  • 期刊


Vegetation at Bei Yu Shan of Salisen Stream, Central Taiwan


本研究針對臺大實驗林沙里仙區北玉山天然林進行植群調查,分析植物組成與植群類型,研究植群型在不同生育地之分布,並分析主要林型族群結構,明瞭其更新狀況及未來演替趨勢。調查範圍總面積約98 ha,海拔介於1,250~1,849 m之間,屬亞熱帶及暖溫帶,處櫟林帶下層及楠櫧林帶。自2005年9月起至2007年2月止,共設置調查18個樣區,記錄維管束植物計97科209屬303分類群,臺灣特有種計83分類群(佔全區植物種類27.4%)。應用雙向列表比較法(TWINSPAN),將本區之植群區分為4個林型及2個亞型,即為:(1)短尾葉石櫟-化香樹-阿里山千金榆林型;(2)阿里山千金榆林型,包括:(2-1)狹葉櫟-阿里山千金榆亞型及(2-2)青剛櫟-阿里山千金榆亞型;(3)鬼櫟-日本楨楠林型;(4)水麻-臺灣赤楊林型。蕨類商數(Ptph-Q)為3.69。為探討環境因子與植群分布之關係,採用5項環境因子進行相關分析,得知海拔高、土壤含石率及地形位置等三項因子有顯著相關。


We studied the natural vegetation-types and their compositions among different habitat of Bei Yu Shan, Shalishan Region in Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University. We analyzed population structure of major vegetation-types to understand their regeneration status and succession. The study area was about 98 ha, ranging from 1,250-1,849 m in altitude and within subtropical and warm-temperate zones. Eighteen plots were set and investigated from September 2005 to February 2007. A total of 97 families, 209 genera and 303 taxa of vascular plant were recorded, included 83 endemic taxa (27.4% of all). Two-way indicator species analysis were used and the plant communities were divided into four vegetation types and two subtypes: (1) Pasania harlandii-Platycarya strobilacea-Carpinus kawakamii forest type; (2) Carpinus kawakamii forest type, including (2-1) Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides-Carpinus kawakamii forest subtype; (2-2) Cyclobalanopsis glauca-Carpinus kawakamii forest subtype; (3) Lithocarpus castanopsisifolius-Machilus japonica forest type; (4) Pasania harlandii-Platyearya strobilacea-Carpinus kawakamii forest type. Pteridophyte- coefficient (Ptph Q) in this area was 3.69. In order to examine the relationship between vegetation and environment, five environment factors were chosen to test their correlation with the vegetation types. We found altitude, soil stominess, and topographic position were the three significant ones.


Bei Yu Shan Vegetation Conservation Vascular plant TWINSPAN


