  • 期刊


The Strength of the Inorganic Binder, Sodium Silicate, Sand by Heating and Drying




The hardening mechanism of sodium silicate sand mold is classified by the physical and chemical mechanism. However, various authors point out the main mechanism is the dehydration of sodium silicate (water glass) during the hardening process. In this study, the physical heating drying method to harden sodium silicate is utilized. It is one of purposes of this study to valid the dehydration theory. The test squared sand bar was made by a constant composition of sand and water glass with additional specific water portions. One directional heating from the bottom of test bar is applied to dry the mixture. Various drying time and water contents in the water glass sand mixture are tested to understand the main influence of the strength of the test bars. Additional resin bonded sand was also made to do comparison experiment with the water glass sand bars. The strength of sand test bars was examined by three point bend test. In the result, the drying height of sand test bar is influenced by the heating time and water content. However, the strength of the sand bar remained constant for all these tests. It is independent of the water content and drying time. In the low water content 2% in the mixture bar, its strength showed an abrupt change at 20 minutes of heating time. And after this time, the strength is declined again for heating. It is implied that the phase transformation of sodium silicate took place at this time of heating. Some other influences for the strength of sodium silicate sand is needed to further study.


