

The vibration arthrometry is a new non-invasive diagnostic method for the joint disorders. In order to examine its applicability in detecting a meniscal tear of the knee, a prospective study using vibration arthrometry to diagnose meniscal tear was carried out in thirty seven consecutive patients with knee injuries. They included twenty seven men and ten women whose average age was 34 years. Arthroscopic examination of the injured knee was done in every patient. Nine cases of medial meniscal tear, sixteen lateral meniscal tear, three torn discoid menisci were found. The remaining nine cases had normal menisci. By correlating the vibration arthrography of the patients to their corresponding arthroscopic findings, twenty one were true positive, nine true negative and seven false negative. There were no false positive readings. The accuracy, sensitive-ity and specificity of the vibration arthrometry in diagnosing meniscal tear was 81%, 75% and 100%, respectively. Vibration arthrometry was demonstrated to be a reli-able, Non-invasive diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of meniscal tear of the knee.
