  • 期刊


A Detailed Analysis of the Slow Tune in "Xi Qian Ying"




喜遷鶯 均拍 譜式 詞譜 詞調


Scholars seldom study Ci poetry (a type of poetry in ancient China) directly from the perspective of rhyme schemes. The only way to thoroughly figure out the tunes of Ci poetry is to do a completely exhaustive and vertical study of it. We try to start with the traditional structural unit to perform a detailed analysis of every rhyming beat and all verses. After detailed anatomy, we have not only sorted out various problems of the slow tunes in "Xi Qian Ying," for example, the fixed format in this tune of Ci poetry, usage of words, rhyme rules, ping-ze (level and oblique tones), syntax, etc., but also dug out another hidden tonal patterns and rhyme schemes from this Ci poetry. This article provides a deep and comprehensive understanding of the further study on the slow tune of Ci poetry from other aspects. It provides the most accurate reference to the fixed format in the tunes of Ci poetry for current study; on the basis of adhering to the tradition, it gives greater freedom of creation on Ci poetry.


宋•張元幹:《蘆川詞》,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1983 年,影印文淵閣四庫全書本。
✽宋•黃大穥:《梅苑》,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1983 年,影印文淵閣四庫全書本。Huang, D.-Y. (1983). Mei yuan [Plum blossom poetry collection]. Taipei: The Commercial Press, Ltd. (Original work published in the Qing dynasty by Wenyuan Pavilion)
宋•王明清:《揮麈錄餘話》,臺北:新文豐出版社,2008 年,叢書集成新編本。
✽清•萬樹《詞律》,清康熙廿六年(1687)堆絮園刻本。Wan, Sh. (1687). Ci lu [Rhyme rules of ci poetry]. (Block-printed edition in the 26th year of Kangxi with Duixu Garden)
✽清•陳廷敬、王奕清等:《欽定詞譜》,北京:中國書店,1983 年,康熙54 年內府刻本。Chen, T.-J. & Wang, Y.-Q. et al. (Eds.). (1983). Qinding cipu [A collection of tunes of ci poems made by imperial order]. Beijing: China Bookstore. (Original work published in the Qing dynasty)
