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The Uncertainty in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders


由於自閉症孩童的發展與適應有著不易了解的特性,其預後通常也難以預測,極可能造成母親的不確定感,進而影響母親對幼兒的照顧品質。本研究之目的在探討自閉症孩童母親的不確定感,並與其他重病孩童母親比較,以了解自閉症孩童母親不確定感之狀況。以台北縣市有服務自閉症孩童之九間醫療院所、一間兒童發展中心及一間自閉症相關協會為取樣範圍,共有64位育有確定診斷為自閉症、亞斯伯格症或非典型自閉症的學前孩童之母親志願參與本研究。母親之不確定感以家長對疾病之不確定感覺知量表(Parents' Perception Uncertainty in Illness Scale)評估。 結果發現,自閉症孩童母親不確定感的程度與癌症及癲癇病童母親相似,並顯著高於早產兒的母親。因此,自閉症孩童的健康照護相關人員應重視母親的不確定感,並積極提供母親相關資訊與支持,減輕母親的不確定感,進而有助於母親積極參與自閉症孩童的照顧與訓練。


不確定感 自閉症 母親


For mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), the incomprehensibility of children's behavior and the unpredictability of their prognosis may induce maternal uncertainty, which influence the quality of care-giving. The purpose of this study is to investigate the sense of uncertainty in mothers of children with ASD, and compare our findings with mothers of children with other severe illnesses, in order to recognize the status of the sense of uncertainty in mothers of children with ASD. Sixty-four volunteered mothers who have preschool children with a diagnosis of Autistic Disorder, Asperger's Disorder or atypical Autism were recruited from nine rehabilitation departments, two developmental centers and one autism related association in Taipei. Mothers' level of uncertainty was evaluated by Parents’ Perception Uncertainty in Illness Scale (PPUS). The results indicate that the level of uncertainty in mothers of children with ASD was the same as those of children with cancers and seizure, and higher than those of preterm infants. Therefore, related health care providers of children with ASD have to pay attention to mothers' uncertainty and actively provide them related information and support to decrease their uncertainty, and this will help mothers participate in caring and training their children with ASD actively.


呂婉禎(2017)。以心理彈性的觀點探討自閉症類群障礙症孩子父親的 親職壓力因應經驗之個案研究〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2017.00900
