  • 期刊


Reflection about the "Hua-Yen One-Vehicle Ten Philosophic Ideas"


華嚴哲學一般多認為法界三觀為初祖杜順禪師的創建,而十玄門是二祖智儼禪師的建構,其實師徒之間的思想差異很難劃分清楚。 十玄門可以再加以歸類簡化,傳統佛教是依《起信論》的結構休、用、相、境為區分法,今日則不妨劃分作時間、空間、主體性、與作用四大類別為研究提綱。 時間與空間概念既是物理學的重要議題,也是哲學史上千古難解之謎,然而印度人怎麼看待時空,在《華嚴經》中有不可思議的描繪。 在「十玄門中」智儼禪師對於「諸法相即自在門」做有最多文字的詮釋,應該透露出他對於此觀法有最大的心得,他的興趣不是「自在」境界,而是「因果同時」這個概念。在修行頓悟乃至於成佛的過程中,既是一念成佛,又是累積三大阿僧祇劫長途修行,因果既同時,不失先後,時間因素是智儼禪師在「十玄門中」最強調的重點。


There are ten philopsophic ideas expressed from the grand 《Hua-Yen Sutra》, it's hardly to tell who had created this system between the first and second master of Hua-Yen sect. We should prefer the thought more than the master. In this system, it seems too complicate to study, may be we could condense it from ten to five or three, remain several items only, such as time、space、subject、mutual relation、and causality. Time and space are the problems in western philosophy, a miracle in eastern relegion. In this theme the master try to tell us: causation is contemporary, but keep it's order at the same time. That's the reason why the Saint Buddha could enlightment at one moment, and continue practice many many lifes. Time and space are not two items, it's One. one moment equals eternal, cause and effect influence ench other. In Hua-Yen philosophy, meditate on this system, we could choose one way to handle it, everyone is execelent.


東晉•佛馱跋陀羅譯 :《大方廣佛華嚴經》,六十卷本,大正藏第九卷。
唐•實叉難陀譯 :《大方廣佛華嚴經》,八十卷本,大正藏第十卷。
姚秦•鳩摩羅什譯 :《十住經》,大正藏第十卷。
隋•杜順說 :《華嚴五教止觀》,大正藏第四十五卷。
隋•杜順說,唐智儼撰 :《華嚴一乘十玄門》,大正藏第四十五卷。
