  • 期刊


A Humble Evaluation of the Time-Space View of the Avatamsaka Dharma Realm




圓教 一心 法界 十玄 一一微麈 三世諸佛


Avatamsaka Sūtrais is the most symbolic Buddhist text, characterized by its monist dichotomy. The Avatamsaka Master advocates the Dharma-realm view that consists of multiple dimensions, infinite time and space along with endless perfection and non-obstruction, establishes the one-true dharma-dhatu-pratitya-samutpada in which all dharmas of the ten directions and three times are perfect and corresponding, and claims that the realm of all living beings should be the dharma vessel of all Buddhas. The initial resolve of bodhisattvas is the correct awakening, while all living beings in the ten directions and three times exist in a single thought-moment, which indicates that all the sentient and the non-sentient are the product of one thought. All dharmas are the signs of the dharma realm, and all beings are the symbols of the original nature of the dharma realm. The perfect teaching of ekayāna in Avatamsaka, Sūtra is the most transcendental and incredible framework of thought. Offering the philosophical materials equipped with the potential of the most pluralistic development. Avatamsaka Sūtra has great potent of philosophical development in terms of depth and width and therefore is legitimately referred to as the King of Buddhist sutras. As mind and matters are in oneness, regarding good and evil, the collective spiritual and natural orientations of all living beings of shared karma determine the movement, tranquility, security and danger of the whole natural environment. To rescue the land and the natural ecological environment out of the overwhelming catastrophe, we have to improve on the spiritual quality of human beings; while the mind is sublimated and expanded, the real world will be in harmony with the interests of mankind. The Avatamsaka view of multiple-dimensional cosmos is based the infinite and endless one-true dharma realm, which is the ultimate spirit of the cosmos. The text in Avatamsaka Sūtrais that expresses the inconceivable state of the infinite time and space contains rich allegorical meanings: these meanings can be interpreted and experienced differently in accordance with the readers' spiritual abilities, imaginative abilities and intellectual backgrounds. The teachings of dviyāna, contemplation of the mean, vijñapti-mātratā or Tathāgatagarbha are derived from the Avatamsaka dharma realm and will definitely be returned to the Avatamsaka dharma realm. Generating many sects of religious philosophy as well as bringing new hopes and bright visions to the development of human minds, Avatamsaka dharma realm is worthy of the life-long learning of the truth pursuers who are devoted to the supreme perfect enlightenment.


