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Policy Change in Taiwan's Freeway Electronic Toll Collection System: An Integrative Analysis Model


一項政策制訂後往往隨著時間發展,受到政治現實與社會複雜性影響而產生變遷。高速公路電子收費本是一項立意良善的政策,惟多項因素交互作用,造成實際的結果卻與預期有極大落差。據此,本文嘗試運用政策變遷觀點,分析電子收費政策變遷的方式何以不是漸進調適、有方向性,而是不連續方式?以及影響因素之間如何相互影響? 本文首先回顧與評論四個政策變遷相關理論,進而提出一個整合型分析模式;其次,將ETC政策制訂過程區分爲五個階段,同時以文件分析法,逐一說明每個階段的重要影響因素。再者,根據分析模式中之變數,將引發變遷的重要影響因素予以分類,並進行訪談。復其次,運用NUD*IST Vivo套裝軟體分析訪談結果。最後將訪談分析結果作一綜合討論,並提出結論。 結論指出ETC政策變遷並非採取漸進方式,因而與漸進調適觀點並不相符。事實上,政策變遷逐漸成爲常態現象,因此若將政策視爲一種時態,政策變遷將是反應政策制訂時主流政治的一種思維模式。透過NUD*IST Vivo套裝軟體進行實證分析,本文發現整合型分析模式中之主要變數:時間、政策理念、關鍵個人決策、機構運作方式與政策形象能夠適切解釋,導致ETC政策產生變遷的主因。由綜合討論進一步發現,除了時間因素是獨立變數之外,另四項變數彼此間是相互影響,並無任何一項變數始終扮演自變數或應變數,具體而言(1)策理念與形象兩項變數之間的交互影響是導致變遷的主因,(2)關鍵個人決策只是導致變遷的因素之一,(3)使用OBU者深受政策理念與關鍵個人決策因素的交互影響;反之,未使用者則深受關鍵個人決策與機構運作方式因素的交互影響,而(4)機構運作則是變遷的工具。


Once a policy has been made, it becomes prey to all sorts of political realities and social dynamics that constantly affect and shape how the policy is viewed as time passes. Such real-world dynamics often force policy to change. While the Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) system is basically a sound policy, there has been an extremely big gap between final results and initial expectations. This paper tries to analyze why changes in the form of ETC are not incremental and directional, but rapid, dramatic and non-incremental. In addition, it seeks to probe factors which can account for such changes, and examine the relationship between these factors. To address these issues, this paper first of all examines different models of policy change, and thenpresents an integrative model, composed of time, policy ideas, the decision-making of key individuals and the manner of institutional operation. Secondly, the policy-making process of ETC is divided into five stages in order to understand key factors in policy changes. Thirdly, these factors are divided into four categories, in accordance with the variables of the integrative model. Based on these factors, this paper adopts a method of semi-structured interview. Fourthly, it attempts to analyze the results of interviews by using the software NUD*IST Vivo. Lastly, combining theories into a short discussion, this paper offers some genreal conclusions. This paper finds that not all policy changes are incremental. In fact, if we regard policy as a temporal state, then policy change probably reflects the mainstream politics of the period and wider public opinion. In addition, we find that the variables of an integrative model are suitable for explaining changes in ETC policy. In short (1) the interactions between policy ideas and images are the main factors behind change; (2) the decisions from key individuals as also an important factor in change; (3) the interactions between policy ideas and the decisions of key individuals affects OBU users. Conversely, non-users are affected by the interactions between the decisions of key individuals and the manner of institutional operation; (4) institutions act as instruments of policy change.


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