  • 期刊


Discussion in Differences between Seismic Risk Perception and Personal and Social-economic Variables of Age Groups in the High Seismic Hazard Area: A Case study in Yongkang District City of Tainan




The implementation of seismic risk reduction mitigation policies by governments and residences plays a critical role in reducing earthquake losses when the global frequency of high magnitude earthquakes increasing in recent years. The study on seismic risk perception is the importance of long-term issues, contributing to develop strategies for effective risk communication in the process of implementing earthquake disaster mitigation policies. Global research in this topic developed maturely shows the unique relationships between seismic risk perception and various personal and social-economic variables. In these serial research results, "Age" is seemed as one of the most influential variables in risk perception and mitigation behavior and is also the key topic in recent urban planning research. However, the association of each age group and risk perception expresses its disappointment with the lack of discussion, and domestic research shows restricted results in seismic risk perception. In sum, this study focuses on discussing the relationships between seismic risk perception and personal and social-economic variables in each age group with a Case study in Yongkang District City of Tainan. According to the research results, three main findings are shown as follow: (1) differences in risk perception among each age group are shown; (2) the relationships between seismic risk perception and personal and social-economic variables, differing from the past research findings, are inconsistent in each age group; (3) the statistically significant relationship between seismic risk perception and residential structural reinforcement is only shown in the Elderly. The results in this study could be referred as the implementation and propaganda of seismic mitigation policies.


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