  • 期刊

Application of Mini-Drains in Head and Neck Surgery



背景:抽吸系統是頭頸部腫瘤術後防止術後血腫及繼發感染的重要方法,mini-drain抽吸系統,特別適用於頭頸部中小型腫瘤切除後之傷口。 方法:本系統是由19號頭皮針及10c.c.的真空紅頭試管構成,於完成切除腫瘤後,將19號頭皮針之另端剪去,並以小剪刀沿著此端裁剪出數著側邊小孔,再將此端固定於傷口內,傷口分層縫合後,再將頭皮針插入10c.c.的真空紅頭試管,以抽吸殘存於傷口內的貯積的血液體。此mini-drain系統應用在20例的頭頸部的中小型良性腫瘤切除後的傷口,包括下頜腺腫塊:8例;脂肪瘤:4例;甲狀腺舌骨囊腫:3例;鰓裂囊腫:3例;其他:2例。 結果:17例使用一隻紅頭試管,3例需使用兩支紅頭試管,20例中只有1例產生可疑的術後血腫。 結論:此mini-drain系統亦比一般市售的其它抽吸系統便宜,實在是一值得推薦的符合成本效益的抽吸系統。


BACKGROUND: Drainage systems are important measures to evacuate postoperative fluid collection and thus avoid hematoma and subsequent infection. The author introduces a mini-drain system for small to medium sized surgical defects in the head and neck. METHODS: The mini-drain system consists of a 19G scalp vein needle catheter with its free connecting catheter end cut and side holes created and a 10 ml red cap BD Vacutainer(superscript TM). The system is utilized for surgical drainage after excision of 20 cases of small to medium sized head and neck tumors including submandibular gland lesions, 8; lipomas, 4; thyroglossal duct cysts, 3; branchial cleft cysts, 3 and miscellenous lesions, 2 between January 2003 and September 2004. There were only 3 cases that utilized 2 BD VacutainerTM test tubes for drainage and the other 17 cases only used one test tube. RESULTS: There was only one surgical morbidity event-a questionable postoperative hematoma occurred 14 days after removing the mini-drain. The design is neat, is both patient and surgeon-friendly and is also very suitable for ambulatory surgery. Cost analysis reveals that the self-made mini-drain system is cheaper in comparison to other commercially available devices. CONCLUSIONS: The mini-drain system is easy to apply and reliable. It is a cost-effective device for head and neck surgeons facing the coming medical expense reduction era.


mini-drain head and neck tumor cost-effective
