  • 期刊


Identification of Gliocladium roseum, the Causal Agent of Brown Spot of the King Oyster Mushroom Pleurotus eryngii



西元一九九八年,在台中縣霧峰鄉及行政院農業委員會農業試驗所之杏鮑菇栽培場,發現菇體出現褐斑、畸形、龜裂與停滯生長的病徵,嚴重危害時,菇體甚至出現黃萎枯死。由罹病菇體組織分離到10個菌株,重新回接於杏鮑菇體上,3-4天後菇體均出現如同栽培場所見相似的病徵。進一步,將具有病原性的GR-12與GR-28兩菌株分別接種於洋菇、香菇、金針菇、夏靜魚菇、鴻喜菇、秀珍菇、雞腿菇、舞菇、黑木耳及紫丁香磨菇等不同的常用菇類,結果發現只有紫通磨菇、舞菇及黑木無病徵出現,其他全都出現大小不一之病徵。在20°c於麥芽抽出蛋候腖洋菜培養基平板,培養病原菌GR-12與 GR-28菌株,生長10天,菌落呈現橘紅色,菌絲有隔膜;分子孢子柄直立,有兩種型以一種為類似Verticillium狀的分生孢子柄,另一種類為類似Penicillium狀的分生孢子柄;分生孢子卵圓形,由瓶狀枝產生,基部微凸、透明、單胞,大小為4.0-6.8×3.0-4.5µm,有黏液泌出黏聚成球形。本菌適合分生孢子發芽與生長的溫度為20-32°C。進一步,採用核糖體轉錄外區間(Internal transcribed spacer, ITS)及28S rDNA等分子生物技術佐證病原菌的鑑定,結果證實本病原菌為Gliocladium roseum Bainier。


In 1998, commercial cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii (Dc. : Fr.) Quēl. In Wufeng area including the Agricultural Research Institute (ARI), COA, in central Taiwan was severely affected by an unknown disease. Symptoms consisted of brown spot, curling of the tissues, sometimes even shrinking and cracking of the infected fruit bodies. Ten isolates, GR-6、GR-7、GR-12、GR-13、GR-16、GR-18、GR-23、GR-28、GR-31 and GR-37 were obtained from diseased fruiting bodies. Pathogenicity was confirmed by inoculating the fungus onto fruiting bodies of king oyster P. eryngii and incubation the inoculated fruiting bodies under high humidity (RH>93%) at 16°C. Discoloration of brown spot similar to the original symptoms developed only on inoculated king oyster mushrooms. The same fungus was reisolated from the artificially infected king oyster mushrooms. Noninoculated king oyster mushrooms remained symptomless. On malt extract peptone agar, the colony diameter reached 32.5-35.0 mm 10 days after inoculation at 20°C, the colony appeared orange to salmon red. Mycelium with septa produced verticillate conidiophores 110-170 µm, bearing 2-6 whorls of phialides 13-28 µm. Conidia were hyaline, one-celled, ovoid, accumulating in a single, slimy and protruding base, smooth-walled, 4.0-6.8×3.0-4.5 µm. The fungus was identified as Gliocladium roseum Bainier according to the descriptions of Domsch, et al (1980)、Schroer, et al (1999) and Smalley & Hansen (1957). The causal agent was further confirmed by comparing the ITS and 28S rDNA sequences of ten isolates of the pathogen with NCBI data base. The optimum temperature for conidial germination and mycelial growth of G. roseum isolates GR-12 and GR-28 was 20-32°C. G. roseum isolates GR-12 and GR-28 was also pathogenic to Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach、Lentinus Edodes (Berk.) Sing.、Flammulina velutipes (Curt.: Fr.) Sing.、Pleurotus sajor (Fr.) Sing.、Pleurotus cystidosus Miller、Hypsizigus marmoreus Bunashimeji and Coprinus comatus (Mull.: Fr.) Pers.



