  • 期刊


Design and Evaluation of a Dairy Products Nutrition Education Program for Adolescents


目標:本研究主要目的是發展提升國中生乳製品攝取教育課程,並評估其成效。方法:整合健康信念模式(Health Belief Model)、計畫行為理論(Theory of planned behavior)及社會認知理論(Social cognitive theory)之重要概念,發展之乳製品教育介入課程包括五個單元(每單元45分鐘)的課堂教學,以及兩份家長簡訊,選擇台灣地區城市型、鄉村型、山地型及離島型的國民中學各二所,394位八年級學生為成效評估研究對象。研究設計分兩組,實驗組(N=189)實施每週一單元課堂教學,並發家長簡訊;控制組(N=205)則無任何相關的營養教育活動。在介入前、後一週,分別對兩組學生進行前測及後測評量。結果:研究結果顯示,實驗組學生在接受五次課程介入後,其乳製品相關營養知識、行為結果態度、主觀規範、自我效能、行為改變階段、攝取行為及乳鈣攝取量皆顯著改善,且對於城市、鄉村、山地及離島四種地區學生皆有成效,只是在某些層面對於山地地區學生之成效低於其他地區。結論:本研究課程設計除教授健康有關知識外,尚注重增加與選食乳製品行為能力有關之知識和技能;藉品嚐降低行為障礙(口味不好);結果顯示這種設計確實達到提升乳製品攝取立即的成效。但由於對山地地區成效低於其他地區,而此地區學生鈣質攝取又低於其他地區,顯示需要針對此族群之鈣質攝取改善作深入探討與設計。


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to design and evaluate a dairy calcium intake nutrition education program which was developed based on important constructs in the Health Belief Model, the Theory of Planned Behavior, and Social Cognitive Theory. Methods: A total of 394 eighth graders from four area middle schools in Taiwan participated in the study. The intervention group (N=120) received a dairy calcium intake nutrition education program which included five 45-min classroom sessions and 2 newsletters for parents. The control group (N=112) received no nutrition education program. The outcomes of intervention were measured by questionnaires administered one week before (pre-test) and after (post-test) the intervention. Results: The results indicated that the intervention group knowledge about dairy products, subjective norms, self-efficacy, behaviors, stage of change, and dairy calcium intake improved (p<.01) on post-test in 4 areas with different degrees of urbanization. Conclusions: The dairy calcium intake nutrition education program which included not only the teaching of health-related knowledge, but also activities to increase behavioral capability and decrease behavioral barriers was found to be effective immediately after the intervention. The program was less effective for students in an aboriginal area and they also consumed less calcium when compared to students in other areas; therefore, we suggest further studies focused on aboriginal areas, as well as studies of the longer term effects of the intervention.


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Black, R.E.,Williams, S.M.,Jones, I.E.,Goulding, A.(2002).Children who avoid drinking cow milk have low dietary calcium intakes and poor bone health.Am J. Clin Nutr.76,675-80.


