  • 期刊


Relationship between the Work Environment and Perceived Body Discomforts


研究目的:本研究目的為了解自覺肌肉骨骼不適部位和勞工工作環境之間的關係,並探討MSDs人因工程危害因子檢核表與自覺不適部位之相關,以了解不同工作環境危險因子所造成的肌肉骨骼不適。方法:在六家事業單位進行問卷調查,在職勞工分別填寫九大自覺不適部位問卷和MSDs人因工程危害因子檢核表,以及工作環境調查問卷。結果:本研究調查386位在職勞工,平均年齡為34.53 ± 7.43歲,工作環境中,多為長時間使用電腦(92%)、手部重複同一種單調的動作(84.2%)、長時間坐著(87%)的工作型態。調查中發現自覺不適部位在肩膀有303人(78.9%)、脖子有268人(70%)、下背或腰部有240人(62.7%)為前三大不適部位。工作環境危險因子中以工作桌椅高度不適合此項因素最為重要,其餘為手部重複同一種單調的動作、搬運重物、姿勢不自然,有較高的比例造成脖子、肩膀、上背、手肘、下背、手或手腕、臀或大腿、腳或腳踝部位的肌肉骨骼不適。在MSDs人因工程危害因子檢核表之上肢檢核表中,勞工分數越高和屬於高危險族群有更高的比例會產生上背部的不適。結論:在職場中應致力改善上述的工作環境因素,減少勞工產生不適症狀的可能性,更可提供勞工一個安全健康的工作環境。


Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between perceived musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and work environment, and also the relationship between nine discomfort body parts and the MSDs ergonomic checklist. Methods: The workers from six companies filled out the survey questionnaire including Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire, questions of work environment, and the MSDs ergonomic checklist. Results: Three hundred eighty-six workers (208 women and 178 men) participated in this study. The average age was 34.53±7.53 years old. For the work demands, most subjects reported that prolonged use of computer (92%), wrist/hand repetitive movement (84.2%) and prolonged sitting (87%) were required. Results also showed that the most common three areas of workers' perceived discomforts were shoulder (78.9%), neck (70%) and low back (62.7%). For the work environment risk factors, the ”unsuitable height of desk and chair in the workplace” is an important significant factor contributing to MSDs in several body areas. Other factors including wrist /hand repetitive movement, lifting heavy things and awkward posture were also found to be significantly related to MSDs of neck, shoulder, upper back, lower back, wrist/hand, hip/thigh and foot/ankle. Higher score (≧5) obtained from the MSDs ergonomic upper extremity checklist was significantly related to the musculoskeletal disorders in the upper back area. Conclusion: MSDs are correlated with work environment and ergonomic factors. Identification of the key ergonomic risk factors is important in prevention of work-related MSDs.


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