  • 期刊


Patterns of Dyslalia in Mandarin Speakers







Four types of dyslalia-substitution, omission, distortion and addition, are common in English speakers. The purpose of our study is to find the characteristics of dyslalia in Mandarin speakers. The past two years, there were 74 dyslalic patients of which 57 were males and 17 were females. Their ages ranged from 4years to 23 years. Detailed examinations and tape records were taken. The results revealed that substitution was the most common type of dyslalia. Omission was the second one. Distortion was less common than omission and was always found in combination with one of the other types of dyslalia. Addition was not found in Mandarin speakers. There have been instances for each of the 3 types where they occurred in combination with another type, but a dominant type was found in most of these mixed case. According to Chao Yuen-Ren's classification in ”A Grammar of spoken Chinese”. Traditional Chinese phonology divides the syllable into an initial and a final. The initials are further classified by the 5 types of phonetic manner and 6 types of phonetic place. The results of our study in substitution and omission reveal some general conclusions according to Chao's classification. 1. The aspirated stops are commonly substituted by unaspirated stops. For example p(ㄆ), t(ㄊ) was replaced by b(ㄅ) and d(ㄉ). The reverse pattern was not found. 2. If the unaspirated stops are wrong , they are substituted by other unaspirated stops in different phonetic places. Aspirated stops also fall into a similar pattern. 3. The fricatives follow the same rule. It is easily substituted by the initials of the same phonetic manner or the same phonetic place under the condition of the substitute being correctly pronounced. 4. The dominant problem found with nasals is omission, but omission itself is not common. 5. The voiced continuant r(ㄖ) is frequently substituted by (ㄌ), if(ㄌ) can be pronounced. If (ㄌ) can't be pronounced, it is frequently omitted. 6. The initials of labial phonetion is easily substituted by each other. It is not possible to substitute initials from other phonetic places. The initials of the phonetic places are also difficult ot replace by initials of labial phonetion. 7. The initials of dental and guttural, such as d(ㄉ), t(ㄊ), g(ㄍ), and k(ㄎ), are the most frequently occurred substitutes. 8. The initials of dental sibilants and retroflexes phonetion have the highest percentage of place error phonetion. The fricative phonetion also have highest percentage of manner error phonetion.


