  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Enhancement of Agrobacterium rhizogenes on Root Formation of Taxus mairei Cuttings of Mature Trees





To increase the adventitious root formation of Taxus mairei cuttings collected from 4mature trees, 2cutting tests using treatment with Agrobacterium rhizogenes were conducted on 31 Dec 1998 and 23 Oct 1999, respectively. The first test showed that treaking cuttings with Agrobacterium R15834 was effective in increasing the rooting percentages and numbers. In the second test, a 1 cm-long wound was made on basal parts 1.5 cm above the cut surfaces using a surgical blade to in crease the trans formation area. Bacterium medium supplement with acetosyrig one, praline, and betaine to increase the infection efficiency was also tested. Rooting percentages induced from the wounds of bacterium-treated cuttings for easy-and hard-to-root trees were 42.2 and 0.3%, respectively, whereas no roots were found in wounds of cuttings which were not treated with bacterium. We presume that these percentages can be represented as trans formation rates. However, we also found that the rooting percentages of wounded cuttings did not differ from these of unwounded ones. This means that creating additional wounds by cuttings is not necessary, and the cut surfaces are sufficient for Agrobacterium infection. Agrobacterium-treatment of cuttings from easy-to-root trees shortened the cutting period by 1 month and in creased the rooting numbers by 3 times compared to control cuttings after cutting for 120 d. For hard-to-root cuttings, a longer cutting period was required. By increaseing the cutting period to 150 d and adding acetosyri gone and praline to the bacterium medium, the rooting percentage of treated cuttings increased 6 times compared to untreated ones, indicating that both the trans formation process and adventitious root formation in hard-to-root cuttings require longer time to function.


