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Food Quality of the Formosan Sika Deer in the Cheting Area, Kenting, Southern Taiwan



本研究以糞便中的氮含量來評估墾丁國家公園梅花鹿(Cervus nippon taiouanus)的覓食品質。結果顯示,鹿隻的糞氮含量與所攝食盤固牧草(Digitaria decumbens)的氮含量成密切的正相關(R^2=0.74)。整體而言,墾丁社頂地區的成熟闊葉林中所提供的食物品質最高,次生林次之,而人工管理的牧草地的品質最差且高低起伏非常大。各樹林環境中的植物全年都接近或維持在鹿隻理想的食物蛋白質含量(14%),且季節間的變化並不大,應該與社頂位於冬季東北季風的背風面有關;不過夏季可能因為雨量充沛,導致植物快速生長、成熟度增加,氮含量較低。2003年以來國家公園內較為嚴格的家羊放牧管制措施,應該會增加野生梅花鹿在闊葉林中的攝食品質及攝食量;至於牧草地的品質管理,則有待加強。


Food quality of the Formosan sika deer (Cervus nippon taiouanus) in the Cheting area, Kenting National Park (NP), southern Taiwan was evaluated using the fecal nitrogen content. Percent fecal nitrogen content of the deer showed a positive correlation (R^2=0.74) with the nitrogen content of pangola grass (Digitaria decumbens) which they feed on. Results also showed that the mature broadleaf forest habitat in the Cheting area provides food with the highest quality, followed by secondary forest, while the managed pangola grass pasture was the poorest. Deer food from all forest habitats maintained its protein content at close to or around the ideal level (14%) year-round with little seasonal variation, which is probably due to the downwind location relative to the heavy seasonal winds in winter experienced by the Cheting area. However, because of accelerated growth and maturation induced by the high precipitation, the food nitrogen content was lower during summer months. Controls on domestic goat ranching within Kenting NP since 2003 should improve the sika deer's feeding and nutritional intake in the broadleaf forest. At the same time, better pasture management is also required.


