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Observations of the phenology of Mitrastemon kanehirai and animals that visited it during the reproductive season with a network camera


本研究在台灣中部蓮華池森林,針對寄生性植物菱形奴草(Mitrastemon kanehirai)以網路攝影機進行24小時的遠端自動攝影監測,每30分鐘拍攝一張,記錄其植株自冒出地面後,從鱗葉的發育、開花、結果至種子散布的全部過程,並將所拍攝的影像進行判識與統計分析,以了解菱形奴草繁殖期之雌雄花器、種子成熟、及散布的各期物候之時間表現,以及各期來訪的動物。本研究成果可補足過去人力觀察時間限制之不足,獲得其生物學的基礎資料,並作為保育及復育時的參考依據。本研究於2014年10月1日至2015年2月3日共拍攝5240張照片,分析結果顯示菱形奴草之鱗葉期為10月1日~11月13日(平均為40.6±2.4天);雄花期為11月7~11月22日(平均7.4±1.8天),雌花期為11月14~11月30日(平均6.5±2.0天);結果期為11月20日~隔年1月16日(平均29.6±10.9天);種子散布期為隔年1月21日~2月3日(平均11.3±6.7天)。繁殖期間來訪的動物種類,以鱗葉期來訪的物種比例最少(3.82%),而後依次為雄花期(4.89%)、結果期(19.96%)、雌花期(20.55%),而種子散布期來訪的物種比例則最多(50.78%);探討來訪的動物物種比例之差異,推測和奴草所回饋給來訪者的蜜液和氣味有關;動物來訪的時段比例,夜間(19:00~04:00)占45.70%,白天(07:00~16:00)占24.36%,黃昏(16:00~19:00)及清晨(04:00~07:00)各占19.24及10.71%。比較往昔研究方法,利用網路攝影機進行遠端自動攝影觀察,更能確實記錄繁殖過程中各物候期的時間表現與各期來訪的動物。此外,新紀錄的動物種類包括蜘蛛、蟾蜍、鞘翅目之擬步行蟲、潮蟲目之鼠婦,及大量鱗翅目的幼蟲等,牠們是否與授粉以及種子傳播有關,需要其它監測實驗方能證實。


A network of video cameras was used to monitor a parasitic plant, Mitrastemon kanehirai, for 24 h a day with every 30 min per image from the beginning of scale-leaf development, to the flower-blooming, fruiting, and seed-dispersal stages. The purposes of this study were, by analyzing captured images, to understand the timespan of the reproductive period and identify visiting animals to M. kanehirai in the Lienhuachih forest, central Taiwan. The research achievements may make up for shortages of manpower and survey times, and be used as a reference for conservation and restoration of M. kanehirai. In this study, 5240 images taken from 1 October, 2014 to 3 February, 2015 were analyzed. Results showed that the dates and average times of the stages of scale-leaf development, androecium, gynoecium, fruiting, and seed dispersal were 1 October~13 November. (40.6±2.4 d), 7~22 November (7.4±1.8 d), 14~30 November (6.5±2.0 d), 20 November~16 January (29.6±10.9 d) and 21 December~3 Febuary (11.3±6.7 d), respectively. Percentages of visiting animals in each stage of M. kanehirai were: 3.82% (the lowest) for the scale-leaf development stage, and 4.89, 19.96, 20.55, and 50.78% (the highest) for the androecium stage, fruiting stage, gynoecium stage, and seed-dispersal stage, respectively. This might have been affected by the secretion of nectar and odor from M. kanehirai. Visiting animals of M. kanehirai were 45.70% at night (19:00~04:00), 24.36% during daytime (07:00~16:00), 19.24% in the late evening (16:00~19:00), and 10.71% for early morning (04:00~07:00), respectively. Our results suggested that using a monitoring network can precisely monitor the phenology of reproduction and animals visiting M. kanehirai. Moreover, spiders, toads, and the Tenebrionidae are new records visiting M. kanehirai.
