  • 期刊


A Study of the Degree of Satisfaction for Students at National Taitung University in 2008: Issues of University Transformation, Removal, and Students' Future?


本校從2000至2007年,前後共進行七次「學生對行政單位的滿意度」普查,學生對整體行政單位平均滿意度在五等量表中有逐次提升之趨勢,從2000年的3.02進步到2007年的3.32。但是,2008年6月的調查卻下跌至3.26,這可歸因於許多學生搬遷到知本新校區而對新校區有許多不滿,學生對知本校區教學設施的滿意度只有2.58,對知本校區宿舍環境的滿意度更是低到2.03。 就今年調查而言,在行政單位中,學生對圖書館滿意度(3.62)依舊最高,對總務處滿意度(3.13)跌至最低。在教學單位中,學生對幼教系暨碩班滿意度(3.81)最高,對音樂系滿意度(2.78)最低。至於今年首度調查的師生對學校高層主管的滿意度中,學生對現任校長的滿意度為3.77。 學生在開放式問卷中對於學校的不滿與建議,與往年有許多的不同,且主要集中在知本校區與學校對學生未來就業及升學之輔導上,此可作為學校改進之參考: 1.知本校區的教室與宿舍設備不佳,城安建設公司的宿舍管理有待改善;校區充滿危險性,草高、路滑、蒼蠅多、野狗多、蛇多,商家不足;而到校本區的交通不便,給雙校區的修課帶來困難。 2.由於教師甄試日趨困難與學校轉型,學生對前途感到茫然,希望新生一進來學校就能告訴學生可行的未來就業與升學規劃,多提供就業與升學訊息,而學校的課程設計、教學也應有助於學生達成規劃。而這次調查發現,學生的職業規劃往往不切實際。 3.許多學生抱怨學校師資、教學、課程與教學設施不佳,有礙學習成效。雖然本校每學期末均有教學評量調查,但許多學生並沒有感覺到學校對不適任教師有處理的策略,學生對老師專業能力不足、混日子、過度情緒化、過分利用學生上台報告、觀賞影片來填充課程甚為不滿,學生期待學校在強化師資與教學上有所作為。


From years 2000 to 2007, National Taitung University (NTTU) conducted a general survey entitled ”Students' Satisfaction towards School Administration” for seven times. The results showed an increased degree of student satisfaction towards the entire university administration, as indicated in the increase of the mean 3.02 in 2002 to that of 3.32 in 2007 on a fivepoint scale. However, the mean dropped to 3.26 in 2008, probably due to students' displeasure with the establishment of the new campus in Zhiben. There was a mean of 2.58 for students' satisfaction with the teaching facilities there and the satisfaction level for the dormitory environment scored a remarkable low average of 2.03. The survey in 2008 demonstrated that, as usual, students maintained maximal satisfaction with the University Library (3.62). Nonetheless, their satisfaction with the Office of General Affairs dropped to 3.13. Among the academic units surveyed, the Department of Early Childhood scored the highest level of satisfaction (3.81) whereas the Department of Music scored the lowest (2.78). The president scored a mean of 3.77 in the survey of faculty and students' satisfaction with university administration, which was conducted for the first time in 2008. The students' suggestions and complaints, as revealed in the open-ended questionnaire for 2008, differed remarkably from what they proposed in the previous years. Their responses mainly focused on issues related to the new campus and the consultation service for career development and advanced study. These responses, as shown below, may work as a reference of improvement for the university. 1. The facilities in the classrooms and the dormitory at Zhiben campus are perceived to be in inadequate quality. The construction company in charge of dormitory management is expected to take the responsibility. The campus is an environment rampant of all kinds of dangers. Also, the inconvenience in transportation between the main and the new campuses creates a big constraint on course taking. 2. The students surveyed feel confused about their career and future. This confusion is resulted from the increasing difficulty to past teacher employment examination and the transitional stage of school transformation. The university is hoped to offer more information pertaining to feasible planning in employment and advanced studies for freshmen. Moreover, the students wish that curricular design or course teaching at the university level should work towards this end. 3. A considerable number of students criticize the poor quality of faculty, instruction, and teaching facilities and equipments, which hinders their learning efficiency. They notice the failure of the university in coping with incompetent teachers, given that the teacher evaluation scheme is implemented at the end of each semester. They express excessive dissatisfaction with instructors who maintain inadequate professionalism, pass time without real work, act with excited emotion, or overuse student presentation or film watching to fill in time slot. The university is urged to do things positive to strengthen teacher quality and course teaching.




