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Parallel Corpus-based Study of Conjunctions


本論文旨在結合語料庫技術建構「西語學習者英西平行語料庫」,並以之爲本、輔以應用工具,進行學習者連接詞使用之分析研究。 「西語學習者英西平行語料庫」現階段所收集的語料來源是靜宜大學西文系和成功大學外文系西語組兩不同族群的學習者在課堂內完成的西文作文及與之對應的英文翻譯。上述語料皆經母語者修正與詞類註記之程序,以達有效率系統化分析之目的。以過去相關研究爲基礎,我們使用語料庫應用工具對比分析連接詞的使用情形,以探討學習者在第三語連接詞不同語意類型的多用、誤用和少用的情形,及其可能的影響因素。研究結果顯示:(1)學習者在西文和英文整體連接詞的使用比率低於在西語及英語母語者修正文中的連接詞使用率,推論連接詞的少用可能和跟學習者的母語有關。(2)錯誤類型少用的情形集中於「聯繫、補充」類型的連接詞;多用的情形則多屬於「反義、因果」類型的連接詞。(3)在可能的影響變數的檢定中,連接詞的使用錯誤與西語程度間,未呈現顯著的關係性,和第二語(英語)之相關性也未達顯著差異的水準。最後,我們根據分析結果,利用現有之工具,提出連接詞的教學範例以供參考。


This paper aims to introduce the process used to create a ”Parallel Learners' Corpus of Spanish and English” (CPATEI) by integrating the theories and techniques of Corpus Linguistics, and to investigate the conjunctions used by the Spanish learners in Taiwan. The collected data in CPATEI are contributed by learners of Spanish from two universities in Taiwan, including Spanish compositions and their corresponding English translations written by two different levels of Spanish learners. Besides, we have collected texts revised by native speakers and POS-tagged. Based on the collected data, we will examine the tendency of learners' overuse, underuse and misuse of the conjunctions. At the same time, we will discuss the possible factors leading to incorrect usage of conjunctions. The results demonstrate that the frequency of conjunctions used by the learners in their Spanish compositions and English translations are lower than that of the Spanish and English native speakers in their corrections. Among the types of errors of conjunctions, underuse of the copulative and additive conjunctions and overuse of the adversative and cause-consecutive conjunctions are the two types of errors that have been noted in the writing of the Taiwanese learners. Furthermore, there are no relationships found between the wrong use of the Spanish conjunctions and their language level as well as the second language as English and the third language as Spanish. Finally, we hope the result of this research will bring benefits to the curriculum designs for the teaching of Spanish conjunctions.




Liu, H. H. (2014). 西班牙文及中文對立話語標記之比較研究- sin embargo、no obstante 及可是、但是、不過 [master's thesis, Tamkang University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00465
