  • 期刊


Urban Conservation: Genealogy of Postcolonial Urban Politics (with “Shi-shi South Village Preservation Project” as case study)


本篇論文旨在透過四四南村保存計畫實踐過程的討論,重建一個為當代台灣政治族群與文化力量所中介的公共領域,並且將此一公共領域的實踐連結上台北城市地景的塑造,並藉此說明 1998 年至今,台灣政權轉移脈絡下,塑造台北城市地景的主要機制。本篇論文第一部份陳述四四南村保存計劃實踐的脈絡,亦即台灣的政權移轉,以及伴隨而來的社會文化與意識型態的爭鬥。第二部份說明四四南村作為一個空間計畫,如何為許多政治、社會、文化與意識型態的力量所穿透。接著,本文以「扁馬爭鬥」為焦點,具體化在民進黨成為台灣執政黨後,台灣一系列的保存計劃,包括「松山菸廠」及「蔣宋故居」保存計劃實踐中所隱含的台灣後殖民社會的衝突。最終,本文嘗試建構一個意義化的角度,亦即認同政治與台北後殖民城市地景之營造,並以此一架構詮釋台北城市後殖民地景的浮現。


This paper is focused on a preservation project - F Shi-shi south j , a village which is the earliest built and located at the central financial district in Taipei, Taiwan. Through the discussion of the practice on the project, I want to define a new approach to the recent spatial development of Taipei city as a “postcolonial” development and to argue that the process of building the “postcolonial” cityscape of Taipei is through a citizen participation process, which I reconstruct it as many political, ethnical and cultural forces mediated. The paper contains three parts. The first part is talking about the context of the project, the transition of political power in Taiwan and the following social, cultural and ideological transformation in the postcolonial era of Taiwan. Second, using the Shi-shi preservation project as an example exploring the major themes that being a barrier of a preservation project and demonstrating a participation process interfered by many political , social , cultural and ideological forces . Finally , organizing the Shi - shi project and the related cases , such as Sung - Hsen Cigarette Factory (松山菸廠) and Chiang Kai - Shek , 5 Former Residence (蔣宋故居) to build up a meaningful framework to understand the major forces that shaping the postcolonial cityscaPe of Taipei . The contributions of this paper will be the following : ( a ) defining a meaningful framework named ” postcolonial cityscape , , to explain the recent spatial development of Taipei . ( b ) clarifying the major themes and its political , social , cultural and ideological contexts that being a barrier in the practice of participation process of preservation project in the public domain . ( c ) suggesting some methodological thinking to the professional practice on urban heritage or physical form of cityscape in the postcolonial era of Taiwan .


劉子瑄(2013)。眷村文化保存與再利用之研究 - 以信義公民會館暨文化公園(四四南村)為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2013.00422
