  • 期刊


Impact of screen house on presence of citrus insect pests and citrus red mite in Taiwan


近幾年來,設施栽培於果樹上之利用已愈加普及,然而網室柑橘於臺灣的相關研究及案例卻較少。本研究自2018年9月至2019年9月,調查柑橘網室(32網目)內外特定柑橘害蟲及柑橘葉蟎於黃色黏紙上密度。調查結果顯示,網室內皆無黏捕到東方果實蠅(Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel))及柑橘木蝨(Diaphorina citri Kuwayama)成蟲,而網室內黏紙上薊馬及蚜蟲密度顯著低於網室外密度。柑橘葉蟎(Panonychus citri(McGregor))於10月期間為發生高峰,然而,網室內平均蟎數為578.9隻/黏紙/2週,數量為網室外之96倍。


柑橘 有害生物 設施栽培 網室


Fruit tree crops have been incorporated and gradually increased in protected cultivation in recent years. However, there are only a few studies and cases about citrus plants under screen house in Taiwan. The present investigation of the densities of target citrus pests inside the screen house (32 mesh) and in open-air was conducted from Sep. 2018 to Sep. 2019. No adults of the oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)) and Asia citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama) were found on the yellow sticky papers inside the screen house. The densities of the thrips and aphids inside the screen house were lower than that in open-air. There was an outbreak of the citrus red mite (Panonychus citri (McGregor)) in Oct. 2018. However, the mite densities inside the screen house was 578.9 mites/paper/2 weeks, that was about 96 times greater than that in open-air. The densities of thrips and citrus red mites inside the screen were positively correlated with that in open-air, respectively.


citrus pest protected cultivation screen house
