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Survey of Insect Pests and Harmful Animals on Three Landscape Crops in Taoyuan District


本研究調查新屋地區三種景觀作物向日葵(Helianthus annuus)、波斯菊(Cosmosbipinnatus)及小油菊(Guizotia abyssinica)之害蟲與有害動物種類。計得害蟲及有害動物種類計18種,其中害蟲有鱗翅目7種、鞘翅目2種、雙翅目1種、半翅目2種及葉蟎類1種,有害動物有野鴿子等鳥類3種、扁蝸牛及野蛞蝓各1種,分別危害景觀作物不同生育期。其中以野鴿子(Columba livia)、珠頸斑鳩(Streptopelia chinensis)、麻雀(Passer montanus)、猪草條紋螢金花蟲(Ophraella communa)、斜紋夜蛾(Spodoptera litura Fabricius)、甜菜夜蛾(Spodoptera exigua)、番茄斑潛蠅(Liriomyzabryoniae (Kaltenbach))、銀葉粉蝨(Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring)及小綠葉蟬(Edwardsiana flarescnes (Fabricius))危害較嚴重。一期作景觀作物較二期作受蟲害危害嚴重。三種景觀作物以開花期較易遭受斜紋夜蛾危害,斜紋夜蛾發生高峰在7月下旬及9月中旬;7月下旬同時有甜菜夜蛾高峰發生。


We surveyed the insect pests and harmful animals and their fluctuations on three landscape namely, sunflower (Helianthus annuus), cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus) and ramtilla (Guizotia abyssinica) in Xinwu township, Taoyuan in 2009. We found 18 species of pests, including 7 species of Lepidoptera, 2 species of Coleoptera, 1 species of Diptera, 2 species of Hemiptera, 1 species of leaf mite, 3 species of birds and 2 species of snails. Among them, Columba livia, Streptopelia chinensis, Passer montanus, Ophraella communa, Spodoptera litura Fabricius, Spodoptera exigua, Liriomyza bryoniae (Kaltenbach), Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring and Edwardsiana flarescnes (Fabricius) were the most abundant ones. Insect pests caused more serious damage in 1st crop than in 2nd crop. The population of S. litura in landscape crop field peaked twice, one in late July and one in mid-September, while that of S. exigua peaked once in late July.


landscape crop sunflower cosmos ramtilla pest occurrence
