  • 期刊


The Discussion of Fans' Identification Influenced by Professional Baseball Team Shifting Its Home Court


中華職業棒球大聯盟成立至今已有二十二年歷史,球隊數量一度多達七隊,對於我國棒球風氣之提升有莫大助益。但一些負面因素使得球隊數量逐年減少,並出現臺灣職棒大聯盟。臺灣職棒大聯盟首度採用「屬地主義」的經營理念,並影響中華職棒聯盟實施「責任主場制」,使統一獅隊與La new熊隊率先認養主場(洪琳琦,2008;聶上棨,2009)。球隊若擁有自己的主場,不僅有利於培養在地球迷、與球迷進行互動交流,更可作為當地文化特色的代表,且有助於提升球迷的心理健康(Wann,2006),故為球隊長期經營之必要策略。惟基於市場利益,球隊也可能更換主場。Foster and Hyatt(2007)之研究發現,球迷對於更換主場呈現兩極化的反應,但仍以負面觀感居多,並會影響其他職業運動及臨近地區的運動人口。Lamigo桃猿隊為臺灣首支更換主場的球隊,其對球迷反應之影響值得探究,以作為聯盟與球團未來經營管理之參考依據。


The Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) has been founded for 22 years. This league has contributed a lot on promoting baseball in Taiwan. The number of teams was once up to seven in the flourishing period. Unfortunately, negative incidents have made some teams leave the league and even another league, namely the Taiwan Major League (TML), was established. TML initiated the concept of ”principal of localization” which also affected CPBL to implement ”home court system.” In CPBL, the Uni-President Lions and the La new Bears were the first two teams to adopt their home courts from the local government (Hong, 2008; Nei, 2009). A professional sport team with its own stadium is not only able to attract fans from the local but also a representation of local culture. Wann (2006) indicated that there were significant relationship between team identification and psychological health. It was a vital strategy to run a professional team in a long term. Yet, the team may shift its home court to another city as far as the market benefit is concerned. Foster and Hyatt (2007) showed that the fans' reaction on home court relocation was polarization and most of the effects were negative. Furthermore, team relocation might sway other professional sports and nearby sports fans. Lamigo Monkeys was the first team to shift its home court in Taiwan. The subsequent influence and their fans' reactions were worthy to be researched in order to be referenced by the League and sports team management.


中央社(2011a,1 月6 日)。La new 熊退場 Lamigo 桃猿接棒。資料引自http://udn.com/NEWS/SPORT/SPO1/6078778.shtml
中央社(2011b,1 月6 日)。熊搬離高雄 劉保佑不得已。資料引自http://n.yam.com/cna/sports/201101/20110106843010.html
中華職業棒球聯盟(2011,5 月23 日)。職棒簡介。資料引自http://www.cpbl.com.tw/html/cpbl.asp


