  • 期刊


A Nursing Experience of a Patient with Open Tuberculosis Resistant to Multiple Drugs




Tuberculosis is a major worldwide public health issue and it is also one of the representing diseases for social civilization. Although the government of Taiwan has put a lot of effort into the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis, it was ranked at the 60(superscript th) in the world. The patient with tuberculosis faces both physiological and psychological challenges, especially physical isolation due to the disease. This article described an out-patient nursing process for a patient with open tuberculosis resistant to multiple drugs. Data were collected through daily clinic care and face-to-face or telephone interview from February 22 to May 2, 2007. Data were analyzed and compiled based on Gordon 11-items functional health pattern assessment and literature review. Three major health problems were identified: deficient of knowledge on anti-tuberculosis mediation, risk for impaired skin integrity, and impaired social interaction secondary to isolated treatment. With an in-depth assessment, the patient received integral and continual individualized care. With the provision of tuberculosis related education material, the patient understood and solved disease-related care issues. This article can be used as a reference for nurses taking care of patients with open tuberculosis.


Open TB multi-drug resistance Nursing
