  • 期刊


A Review and Prospect on the Organization and Procedure of Official Traffic Accident Authentication


車輛行車事故鑑定影響人民權益甚鉅,其重要性不可言喻,惟長久以來鑑定程序的不嚴謹與鑑定品質的受爭議,造成民間對公辦鑑定之怨聲不斷,鑑定制度之改革與鑑定品質的提昇,已是公辦鑑定刻不容緩的改革課題。 本文有感於車輛行車事故鑑定組織與制度變革之迫切性,針對現行公辦鑑定組織與作業之相關課題詳予檢討。文中將先檢討現行鑑定制度中受人詬病與有違一般行政法理之爭點,包括鑑定品質低落之形成原因與一、二級鑑定制度的矛盾等,繼而提出未來公辦事故鑑定組織之興革方向,與在現行機關體制下,可能之組織改造方案,分析其優劣。本文認為合理之組織設計架構,應將十二區鑑定會及覆議會同隸於-機關之內或之下,最為適宜,且基於公路主管機關有球員兼裁判之疑慮,又以設置於交通部、交通部中部辦公室或運輸研究所為較佳之選擇。惟,公辦道路事故鑑定之組織制度,最終仍應回歸至「一級鑑定制度」,且無論未來公辦事故鑑定組織設置於何處,追求鑑定品質之提昇,確保鑑定程序之法律正當性,仍應為未來組織改革過程中之最重要考慮,以符合社會追求公平正義之期待。


The authentication of traffic accident has resulted in a tremendous impact on the people involved. It is really an important issue for all of us to review. However, there exist a lot of criticisms on the procedure and quality of authentication for a long time. People have heaps of complaints against the official authentication. Both the revolution of authentication institution and the improvement of authentication quality have been urgent issues to be dealt with. Accordingly, this article probes into all the related issues of the official traffic accident authentication, including what the current authentication institution goes against the principle of administrative law, the reasons of the poor quality of authentication, and the paradox between one and two stage authentication institution. It will then propose a reconstructive direction of the prospective official authentication institution. Finally both the advantage and disadvantage of various organization reconstruction alternatives will be examined. With reference to the current two-stage authentication, this article advocates that all of the twelve committees and the re-authentication committee should be set under the jurisdiction of one institution. To avoid the highway bureau playing both the role of the referee and the player, the better choice is to set the authentication committees under the jurisdiction of MOTC (the Ministry of Transportation and Communications), the central region office of MOTC or the Institute of Transportation. Wherever the institution is located, the official authentication of traffic accident should be instituted as ”one stage authentication”. Both the goal of pursuing the improvement of the authentication quality and assuring the legal right will be the most important things during the revolution in the institution and the organization of authentication of automobile accident.


