  • 期刊

The Improper Positioning of a Seat Belt Resulted in a Chance Fracture that was Accompanied by Superior Mesenteric Artery Bleeding: A Case Report and Literature Review

不適當地使用三點式安全帶造成脊椎Chance Fracture伴隨上腸繫膜動脈出血:病例報告與文獻回顧


Chance Fracture是脊椎的橫向骨折,雖常發生於只穿戴腰部安全帶的車禍患者,但可能發生於不適當地使用三點式安全帶的車禍患者。本文報告一位31歲女性乘客因不適當地使用三點式安全帶,而在車禍中造成脊椎Chance Fracture伴隨上腸繫膜動脈出血,且針對這個主題也做了一些文獻回顧。可使急診醫師在處理汽車車禍受傷的病患時,必須小心考慮到安全帶使用所造成的Chance Fracture和相關腹部傷害。


Chance Fractures are transverse fractures of the spine and have been most frequently seen following motor vehicle crashes in which the patient was restrained only by a lap belt. After the advent of three-point restraint systems, the incidence of Chance Fractures among restrained car passengers decreased. We present here a typical case of Chance Fracture that was accompanied by superior mesenteric artery bleeding. It involved a 31-year-old female passenger who was improperly using a three-point restraint system. This is accompanied by a review of the current literature on the topic. Emergency physicians must consider this type of seat beltrelated injury when initially evaluating any patient involved in a motor vehicle crash who was restrained by a vehicle seatbelt.
