  • 期刊


Reliability on the Measurements of Lower Extremity Passive Range of Motion and Postural Assessment in Nursing Home Residents


Purposes: The purpose of this study was to establish intrarater reliabilities of goniometric measurements of the lower extremity passive range of motion and the 'Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients' (PASS) for posture in nursing home residents. Methods: Ten nursing home residents with or without neurological diseases (mean age=71.3 years; 8 males, 2 females) participated in this study. An experienced physical therapist assessed the lower extremity range of motion, including hip flexion and extension, knee flexion and extension, and ankle dorsi-flexion and plantar-flexion, with goniometer and posture with PASS. One week later, the subjects were assessed again by the same physical therapist. Results: Intrarater reliabilities of the goniometric measurement of passive lower extremity range of motion ranged from 0.561 (ankle plantar-flexion) to 0.965 (knee flexion). Intrarater reliabilities of PASS was excellent for postural assessment (ICC=0.989). Conclusions: Moderate to high intrarater reliabilities for goniometry measurement of lower extremity passive range of motion and excellent intrarater reliabilities were found for postural assessment with PASS in nursing home residents.


Purposes: The purpose of this study was to establish intrarater reliabilities of goniometric measurements of the lower extremity passive range of motion and the 'Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients' (PASS) for posture in nursing home residents. Methods: Ten nursing home residents with or without neurological diseases (mean age=71.3 years; 8 males, 2 females) participated in this study. An experienced physical therapist assessed the lower extremity range of motion, including hip flexion and extension, knee flexion and extension, and ankle dorsi-flexion and plantar-flexion, with goniometer and posture with PASS. One week later, the subjects were assessed again by the same physical therapist. Results: Intrarater reliabilities of the goniometric measurement of passive lower extremity range of motion ranged from 0.561 (ankle plantar-flexion) to 0.965 (knee flexion). Intrarater reliabilities of PASS was excellent for postural assessment (ICC=0.989). Conclusions: Moderate to high intrarater reliabilities for goniometry measurement of lower extremity passive range of motion and excellent intrarater reliabilities were found for postural assessment with PASS in nursing home residents.
