  • 期刊


Effects of Gender Appropriateness Perception, Softball Experience, and Perceived Competence on Self-Efficacy and Motivation of Female Baseball Players




This study investigated the effects of gender appropriateness, and prior softball experience on self-efficacy and motivation of female baseball players. One hundred and twenty-one participants (79 with softball participation experience) were recruited from eight teams. Besides demographic information, a four-part questionnaire regarding gender appropriateness, perceived competence, motivation, and self-efficacy was administered an hour before the first game of each team in a tournament. Results from the hierarchical regressions revealed that perceived competence was the significant predicator for both motivation and self-efficacy. In addition, prior softball experience predicted self-efficacy as well as external regulation, and identified regulation positively but intrinsic motivation negatively. There was also interactive effect of perceived competence and softball experience on amotivation. However, it was found that gender appropriateness contributed to neither selfefficacy nor motivation. The results supported the notions of the relevant theories that competence would be highly associated with efficacy expectation and participation motivation, and that achievement experience would be an influential factor in self-efficacy belief. Moreover, players with softball experience showed lower self-determination, higher externalcontrol motivation and more motiveless willingness toward baseball than those without softball experience. This might result from overtraining, burnout or lack of interest. Finally, the perception of gender inappropriateness might be eliminated due to improvement in skills and fulfillment with the demands of environment attributed to involvement.


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