  • 期刊


Correlation between Sport Motivation and Athlete Burnout among Intercollegiate Tennis Players




The purposes of this study were: (1) to compare the differences of sport motivation among different gender, daily training hours, players' level and years of sport experience, (2) to compare the degree of athlete burnout among different gender, daily training hours, players' level and years of sport experience, and (3) to examine the relationship between sport motivation and athlete burnout. This study sampled 192 intercollegiate tennis players with mean age of 21±2.98 and participants were asked to complete Sport Motivation Scale and Eades Athlete Burnout Inventory. T-test and independent measure ANOVA were used for the statistical analyses. The results were as follows: (1) for male players, they were both higher in intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation than female players; low level players were higher in intrinsic motivation but were lower in amotivation than high level players; it was also found that subjects had the longer years of sport experience, the higher amotivation, (2) the longer daily training hours, the higher the athlete burnout level they had experienced; high level players experienced higher burnout level than low level players, and (3)Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation were positively correlated with ”perception of athletic performance” of burnout subscales, but negatively correlated with other burnout subscales. This study suggested that tennis coaches should be aware of the programming of training and break ration, so to promote tennis players' sport motivation and prevent them athlete burnout.


sport motivation athlete burnout


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