  • 期刊


Study on Morphology and Estimated Glycemic Index of Debranched Starch and Debranched Starch-Lipid Complex


本研究以一般玉米澱粉(Normal corn starch,NCS)為原料,使用普魯蘭酶(Pullulanase)進行去支鏈處理製備去支鏈澱粉(Debranched starch),再和棕櫚酸、硬脂酸、油酸和亞麻油酸進行複合處理製備去支鏈澱粉-脂質複合物(D-lipids);並與糊化澱粉(Gelatinized starch)和其脂肪酸複合物(G-lipids)比較。光學顯微鏡顯示D-lipids顆粒較G-lipids小;掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察到顆粒表面有排列緊密的細長層狀結構或球狀結晶結構,表示直鏈澱粉-脂質複合物(ALC)形成。D-lipids複合指數顯著大於G-lipids,其中不飽和脂肪酸之ALC的複合指數亦大於飽和脂肪酸之ALC。Debranched starch和D-lipids之HI(水解指數)與eGI(預估升糖指數)顯著低於Gelatinized starch和G-lipids。而脂肪酸種類對於G-lipids和D-lipids的eGI影響小。去支鏈處理顯著增加短鏈直鏈澱粉濃度,促進回凝澱粉和ALC之形成,並且降低澱粉的水解速率,未來具有應用於食品工業之潛力。


In this study normal corn starch (NCS) was debranched with pullulanase and the debranched starch (Debranched starch) was converted to starch-lipid complexes (D-lipids) with palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acids. For comparison, the gelatinized starch (Gelatinized starch) was converted directly to its complexes (G-lipids) with the same fatty acids. Optical microscopy showed that the particles in the D-lipids were smaller than those in the G-lipids. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that either elongated lamellae or spherulites were present on the surface of the particles, indicating the formation of amylose-lipid complex (ALC). Complex index was significantly larger for D-lipids compared to G-lipids, and that the index with unsaturated fatty acids was larger than for saturated fatty acids. The HI (Hydrolysis index) and eGI (Estimated glycemic index) of Debranched starch and D-lipids were significantly lower than for Gelatinized starch and G-lipids. The type of fatty acid had little effect on the eGI of G-lipids and D-lipids. Debranching treatment significantly increased the concentration of short-chained amylose, which promoted the formation of retrograded starch and ALC. The crystalline undergoes a reduced rate of digestion, which has potential for application in the food industry.


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