  • 期刊


Studies on the Hygienic Quality and Residual of Hydrogen Peroxide in Commercial Fish Ball


本研究為了解市售魚丸之衛生品質與過氧化氫殘留之情況,針對臺灣南部地區之傳統市場、量販店採集50件市售魚丸製品(包括花枝丸20件、鱈魚丸16件與虱目魚丸14件),分析其總生菌數(Aerobic plate count,APC)、大腸桿菌群(Coliform)、大腸桿菌(E. coli)、總揮發性鹽基態氮(Total volatile basic nitrogen,TVBN)、組織胺含量以及過氧化氫等項目。首先,在衛生品質與組織胺含量之結果顯示:花枝丸、鱈魚丸與虱目魚丸之APC平均值分別為4.89 ± 1.79、3.27 ± 1.00和3.45 ± 1.12 log CFU / g;平均TVBN分別為5.33 ± 4.31、1.56 ± 2.92與3.92±1.11 mg / 100 g;平均coliform分別為2.19 ± 4.08、<3與0.93 ± 2.53 MPN / g;平均組織胺含量分別為2.22 ± 1.47、2.57±1.63與1.63 ± 1.49 mg / 100 g。其次,所有樣品皆未檢出E. coli。其中在組織胺含量方面,有3件(6%,3/50)即一件花枝丸(5.09 mg / 100 g)與兩件鱈魚丸(5.09與6.04 mg / 100 g)之組織胺,超過美國食品藥物管理局之限量標準5 mg / 100 g。最後在過氧化氫檢測結果顯示,7件花枝丸樣品與8件鱈魚丸樣品與硫酸鈦呈陽性反應,但所有虱目魚丸樣品皆呈陰性反應;為了解是否為乙基麥芽醇所造成之偽陽性反應,再將以上15件陽性反應之樣品以碘滴定法確認是否有過氧化氧的殘留,結果皆未檢出過氧化氫,推測為乙基麥芽醇造成之偽陽性反應。


衛生品質 組織胺 魚丸 過氧化氫


To elucidate the hygienic quality of commercial fish balls, 50 samples (including 20 cuttlefish balls, 16 cod fish balls and 14 milkfish balls) purchased from the supermarket and traditional market, were tested to determine chemical and microbial quality, histamine contents and detection of hydrogen peroxide. The average levels of cuttlefish balls, cod fish balls and milkfish balls were 4.89 ± 1.79, 3.27 ± 1.00 and 3.45 ± 1.12 log CFU/g in aerobic plate count (APC), 2.19 ± 4.08, <3 and 0.93 ± 2.53 MPN/g in coliform, 5.33 ± 4.31, 1.56 ± 2.92 and 3.92 ± 1.11 mg/100 g in total volatile basic nitrogen (TVBN), and 2.22 ± 1.47, 2.57 ± 1.63 and 1.63 ± 1.49 mg/100 g in histamine, respectively. None of these samples contained E. coli. Among them, three fish ball samples (6%, 3/50) have histamine contents (5.09 mg/100 g of one cuttlefish ball sample; 5.09 and 6.04 mg/100 g of two cod fish ball samples) greater than the allowable limit of U.S. Food and Drug Administration for scombroid fish and/or product (5 mg/100 g of histamine). Finally, seven cuttlefish ball samples and eight codfish ball samples were H_2O_2 positive with the titanium sulfate droplet method, but none of milkfish balls samples were H_2O_2 positive reaction. However, no H_2O_2 residual was detected in fifteen samples with H_2O_2 positive by iodometric methods. It is speculated that ethyl maltol is the cause of false-positive reaction in commercial fish ball samples.


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