  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Social Benefit-Cost Analysis on the Environmental Redevelopment of Military Dependents' Villages




The purpose of this paper is to estimate the economic benefit of blight housing-area from the redevelopment of public military dependents' villages systematically and objectively by applying the methods of benefit and cost analysis and shadow price. With the notion of shadow price under the consideration of total society, in this paper, the required social cost and the incurred social benefit will be derived by quantitative and monetary transformation of criterions as well as summing up the net benefit with weights added. The qualitative criterions of time value and beneficial groups will be applied by social benefit and cost analysis to evaluate whether the alternative can reach the effect of social welfare improvement. The experiences from this study will be applied to distinguish the influential factors from the criterions and to make a strategic decision on the improvement of housing quality. The empirical study, redevelopment of military dependents' villages into public housing, shows that the benefit to cost ratio (B/C) of 0.7907 is found by simple benefit and cost analysis. The B/C ratio of 0.6805 is then found to be decreased under the condition of time cost added, as well as the B/C ratio of 0.8867 is recalculated by considering the social income weights. The results of this study shows that, no matter what the notion and computation pattern about B/C ratio can be, the alternative of redevelopment of military dependents' villages into public housing is not to fit in with the principle of social benefit and cost analysis. Finally, the results of sensitive analysis by adjusting the social discount rate, income weights, and rate of return for firms in this study show that higher discount rates, lower rate of return, and higher income weights will contribute the net benefit of the alternative to be positive.


