  • 期刊


Developments and Applications of a Software Project Measurement Process Model: A Case Study of the R&D Department of a Large Scale Steel Company in Taiwan


軟體專案度量是軟體專案管理的一項重要研究議題。軟體專案度量不僅是成本與時程估計的重要資訊來源,同時,它亦提供專案管理者有關專案狀態評量與預測之決策資訊。近年來,許多軟體專案已經移轉至網際網路環境下進行專案開發工作,若軟體專案度量活動仍然採用人工作業方式則相當困難且作業品質不佳。有鑑於此,本研究乃探討在網際網路環境下之軟體專案度量議題,其中包括成本、時程、品質與生產力等度量之重要議題,並以COCOMOⅡ估計模式、ISO/IEC 9126-1品質模式與IEEE Std. 1045生產力度量標準為基礎,結合差異分析法與加權評分法等提出一個軟體專案度量程序模式,據以發展一套Web-based的軟體專案度量資訊系統協助軟體專案人員進行軟體專案度量工作,同時,本系統尚結合智慧型代理人協助進行專案狀態評量、預測以及相關決策方案分析建議,其中包含狀態評量、決策分析與訊息通知等三種代理人程式之功能,可以有效的解決在網際網路環境下進行大型軟體專案度量的重要問題,並且提供一些因應之建議性方案供專案管理者之參考。本研究係以國內一家大型鋼鐵公司之研發部門所進行的大型軟體專案作為實證研究的對象,據以了解軟體專案度量資訊系統在實務應用方面的可行性與實用性。根據本研究實證分析結果,本系統結合代理人程式與知識庫系統之運用,能夠達成專案狀態評量、決策分析與訊息通知等作業自動化之功能,以及減少個人及主觀因素所造成的誤差,提升度量作業的品質與正確性;專案管理者可以在專案的開發過程中透過本系統即時監控專案,確實掌握專案現況,並且根據系統所提供的專案狀態資訊與決策建議,利於專案後續的改善活動;此外,根據已發生的實際資訊預測專案可能之變化,以降低專案開發風險;專案的重要資訊得以保存,可作為日後相關專案開發之重要參考。


Software project measurement is an important research issue in software project management. Metrics of software project are major source for cost and schedule estimations and there also provides decision-making information about status assessment and forecasting for a project manager. Recently, many software projects have been implemented gradually on the web. Therefore, it is difficult to obtain the software project metrics through the labor work. Based on above descriptions, this research investigates key issues of software project metrics on the web including four kinds of metrics for cost, schedule, quality and productivity. In this study, we use COCOMOⅡ, ISO/IEC 9126-1 and IEEE Std. 1045 as a foundation combing with the variance analysis and weighted ranking method to construct a software project measurement process model. Moreover, a Web-based software project metrics information system is developed. This system applies status assessment agent, decision making agent and notification agent to assist the tasks such as assessment of project progress, forecasting and decision-making to resolve the issues of large scale software project metrics on the web. To demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of the developed system, a case study of the R&D department of a large scale steel company in Taiwan is conducted. Research findings show that an intelligent agent-based software project metrics information system not only effectively support the activities of software project measurement in automation and it also provides detailed and accurate decision-making information about the status assessment and forecasting for software project management. Thus, risks of software project development can be reduced dramatically. Furthermore, some important information of software projects is accumulated and the improvements of effectiveness and quality of software project management are expected.




