  • 學位論文


Development and Application of a Cooperative Learning System : An Empirical Study of the Employees’ E-learning on Etiquette Curriculum in a Restaurant Company

指導教授 : 黃明祥


近年來,合作學習成為一種主要數位學習方式。本研究的目的是提出一套建立與應用合作學習系統的方法論,其中合作學習系統的建立流程包括:需求分析、系統架構的規劃、系統分析與設計、程式設計、測試與正式運作與維護,而合作學習的實施步驟包括學習者註冊、實施前測、學員分組、教材課程學習、合作學習之互動、學習成效及滿意度的調查、資料分析與研究報告之彙整。 本研究在發展合作學習系統過程,採用焦點團體法建立系統的功能需求,並發展一套適用於小組互動學習的合作學習系統。本研究之實證分析對象為國內一家知名之海鮮燒烤餐飲公司的餐飲從業人員,分成初階與進階課程二階段之合作學習過程,再進行學習成效與滿意度調查,本研究的發現如下:(1)合作學習可使學習成績上升到一定水準,並使成長率趨於穩定;(2)就學習成效面而言,學員分組對初階課程之合作學習互動過程並沒有顯著的差異; (3) 學員分組對進階課程之合作學習互動過程並沒有顯著的差異;(4)合作學習互動過程對初階與進階課程之測驗有顯著的影響;(5) 合作學習互動過程對初階與進階課程之滿意度有顯著的影響;與(6) 初階與進階課程的群組互動具有顯著的相關性。本研究成果有助於學術界與實務界在合作學習方面的研究指引。


In recent years, cooperative learning has gradually become the major trend of e-learning. The purpose of this study is aimed at developing a methodology for the development and application of a cooperative learning system. The procedures of developing a cooperative learning system include requirements analysis, systems architectures planning, systems analysis and design, programming, testing, and implementation and maintenance. The procedures of applying a cooperative learning system includes registration, pretest and grouping, on-line learning, interaction between group members, posttest and the questionnaire survey of learning satisfaction, data analysis and preparation of research reports. Focus groups method is conduced to implement the requirements analysis during the process of developing a cooperative learning system. A cooperative learning system for small groups is developed in this study. The subjects of this study are the employees of a well-known seafood restaurant in Taiwan. Two stages of cooperative learning include primary course and advanced course is conducted. Related data about the interaction between group members and learning performance and learning satisfaction are recorded in the cooperative learning system. The research findings of empirical analysis are showed as follows: First, the cooperative learning can improve the learners’ performance and stabilize the growth rate. Second, on the aspect of learning performance, grouping of learners has no significant influence on the learning performance in stage of the primary course. Third, grouping of learners has no significant influence on the learning performance in the stage of advanced course. Fourth, the interaction between group members has a significant influence on the test scores in the stage of primary and advanced course. Fifth, the interaction between group members has a significant influence on the learning satisfaction in the stage of primary and advanced course. Finally, the interaction between group members in the stage of primary course is strongly related with the stage of advanced course. The findings of this study will contribute to the academic and practices on the aspect of cooperative learning.


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