  • 期刊


The Reliability and Validity of Sentence Comprehension Test for Elementary School Students




句型理解 信度 效度 複句 關聯詞語


In order to understand the development of sentence comprehension ability of elementary students in Taiwan, this study was to develop the Sentence Comprehension Test of school students know from G2 to G6. The test included nine types of connectives and were made of three forms for different grades and purposes: The A form for G2 to G3 students, the B form for G4 to G6 students, and the C form for G2 to G6 students. The A, B form are long form, which are applied to check which type is students' weakness of sentence comprehension for remedial teaching, and the C form are short form, which are applied for screening. The participants of A, B, C form are 1,467, 2,091, 3,558 students who are selected from 12 elementary schools of northern, middle, southern, and eastern Taiwan. The Cronbach's of the Sentence Comprehension Test in each form were all over .91. The construct validity showed a developmental trend of sentence comprehension among different grades, that is, the older students know more connectives than the younger ones. The concurrent validities between the Sentence Comprehension Test and reading comprehension in each form were from .66 to .68. Totally speaking, the Sentence Comprehension Test can effectively measure elementary students' sentence comprehension ability with fair reliability and validity.


