  • 期刊

The Struggle against Fat: Weight Loss Experiences of Overweight Adolescent Girls in Taiwan



背景 「減肥」對體重超重的青少女是一個重要的健康議題。了解減肥的主觀感受和經驗,有助於建立正確的減重策略。然而,少有研究探討體重過重青少女之減重經驗。目的 建立台灣體重過重青少女減重經驗的描述性理論。方法 採紮根理論研究法,深度訪談20位體重過重青少女,以持續比較法進行內容分析。結果 「對抗肥胖的掙扎歷程」為核心類屬,「肥胖是恥辱」為先驅條件。過程中,有以下四個互動類屬:嘗試節食撇步(捷徑)、放縱自己、面對弱點及展開新生活。青少女徘徊在選擇健康新生活或恢復以前不良習慣的掙扎中。最後,有些人獲得支持激勵,逐漸控制體重。而有些人受不了誘惑或壓力,重回不良生活型態,體重逐日上升,陷入對抗肥胖的惡性循環中。結論/實務應用 肥胖會帶給體重過重之青少女恥辱的感受,健康照護者應敏銳察覺其照護需求。提供了解青少女在此期的減重行為與需求,透過合宜的減重諮詢及激勵,支持青少女成功減重。


青少女 紮根理論 體重過重 減重


Background: Weight loss is an important health issue for overweight girls. Understanding their subjective feelings and experiences regarding weight loss may help healthcare professionals and hospitals develop an appropriate intervention for this population. However, there have been few studies done on the subjective weight loss experiences of overweight adolescent girls.Purpose: This study developed a descriptive theory framework to elicit the weight loss experiences of overweight adolescent girls in Taiwan.Methods: This qualitative study used grounded theory to conduct in-depth interviews with 20 overweight adolescent girls aged 16-20 years. Data were analyzed using the constant comparative method.Results: ”Struggle against fat” was the core theme that described and guided the process of weight loss for participants. During this process, ”obesity as a stigma” was identified as the antecedent condition with the subcategories: being teased, being blamed, being bullied, and lack of personal attractiveness. Participants struggled to practice a new lifestyle while continuing their previous lifestyle during the weight loss process. This process was categorized as ”trying dieting shortcuts,” ”self-sabotage,” ”confronting weakness,” and ”adhere to a new life.” During this process, some participants adhered to a new life by perceiving peer/family support, using incentive slogans, and sharing experiences. Finally, participants either continued to maintain their new lifestyle and gradually lost weight or resumed their previous lifestyle and regained weight by entering into a vicious cycle of combating fat through dieting shortcuts while practicing self-sabotage.Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Weight loss is a difficult issue for most overweight and obese adolescent girls. Health providers should better understand adolescent psychology to provide this population with effective incentives to modify their lifestyles for health purposes. It is crucial that healthcare providers be good coaches to guide and positively support these girls in their struggle against fat.


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