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A Preliminary Study of Preaching Model and Internal Split of I-Kuan Ta-A Case Study of Shin-Yi Sect and Its Kee-Shin Branch


戰後一貫道在台灣的發展與組織型態,與在中國的時期有很大的不同,傳入台灣的一貫道分為許多組別與單位,各組線的實際領導者其實是各組的道長或前人,且大多各自發展道務,不再像過去張祖在世時,有一個最高的領導中心,而轉變為多元組織的發展模式。關於一貫道的分裂與爭論,除了師兄派與師母派外,還包括是否屬於師母派的十八個組線的正統之爭,或者是在各組線之間的互搶後學,甚至於同屬一組線的內部分裂等。 在一貫道的各組線中,最常見的分裂情形為其領導的道長或老前人逝世後,其組線分裂成許多單位,如興毅組在何宗好逝世後即分成多個單位,當時受到相當大的衝擊,使得道親大量流失;興毅組基興單位因開荒有成而發展迅速,陸續分出了許多單位;關於這種分支現象,因為一貫道的組織型態,往往以個人領導為中心,比較容易出現這種「分房」與「分家」的現象。 本文試從一貫道來台後的情形與張祖時期比較,探討其傳教模式與分裂的情況,並兼論何宗好老前人所領導的興毅組,與其下屬許萬益前人所領導的基興單位為例,探討一貫道的發展模式與分裂情況。


After the World War II, the development and the organization pattern of I-Kuan Tao in Taiwan is very different from its beginning period in Mainland China. At the earlier period, the founder Chang Tien-zan (張天然) is the highest leader in I-Kuan Tao, however, when I-Kuan Tao was introduced into Taiwan in 1945, the organization had begun to split into various sects (組線) and branches (單位). The actual leader of every sect is the Tao-Master (道長) or the Former-Person (前人). Moreover, most of sects in Taiwan have developed their own 'Tao Affairs” (道務) independently. There has been no dominant center any more. Generally speaking, the controversy within I-Kuan Tao which causes the internal split includes the separation between those who follow the founder's son and those who follow the founder's spiritual wife, due to their different arguments of legitimacy. Yet the more serious issue is that there has been continuing competition on recruiting new followers between different sects, even between different branches of the same sect.. The most common pattern for internal splits of I-Kuan Tao in Taiwan, usually occurred when the Tao-Master or the Former-Person passed away. The sect would be separated into several branches sooner or later. In this article, the case on Shin-Yi Sect (典毅组) led by Ho Zong-Hao as a founding Former-Person will be examined in details. Also, we will discuss the case on Kee-Shin Branch (基興單位) which belongs to Shin-Yi Sect. This Branch was once led by Hsu Wan-Yi for a long time, it was splited in the same way immediately after the Former-Person Hsu passed away. Regarding to these phenomenon, it is somewhat similar to the structure of lineage segmentation in the 1-lan Chinese society.




