  • 期刊


Grand History of One: On the Suffering Writing of "A Single Tear" by Wu NingKun




This thesis is to discuss the meaning of contemporary writings about suffering of the autobiography-”A Single Tear” written by Wu NingKun through witness and suffering viewpoints. ”A Single Tear” was constructed from memoirs, emphasized by Wu NingKun that the masterpiece was ”true experiences” from three generations, a record of actual events by ”faithful records” to witness the contemporary people, in particular the intellects and stories of suffering. The history as interpreted by Wu, was how the inhuman ideology of ruler being carried out through totalitarian regime by controlling the minds and livings of the entire nation. Many innocent intellects were sacrificed due to complicated political conflicts in above matter. This dynastic history posses appraisal/introspection of suffering based on ”to feel no regret of suffering”-sort of world view and view of life by China's intellects. Engaged with realism way of writing and technique to gain upon the real world, this book will reveal the nature of humanity behind reality and also the inner good & evil of humanity. ”A Single Tear” truly rips open the darkest part of contemporary history of China.


