  • 期刊


Reconstruction of Foreign Aid Policy under Abe Administration


在「積極和平主義」理念的指導下,安倍政府對ODA 政策進行了重構,呈現出由「經濟開發型」向「戰略支持型」轉變之勢。這次重構使得日本在援助目的上更加注重對其外交、安保的支持效應,在援助領域上解除了對支援他國軍隊的限制,在援助對象上突破了發展中國家的界限,更看重對日本具有戰略意義的國家。安倍政府此輪調整的主要戰略考量是,基於ODA 自身戰略功能的擴大,從而使之服務于日本「正常國家」化的戰略目標,並配合美國「亞太再平衡」戰略來制衡中國。對於中國而言,日本更具針對性的ODA 增加了周邊外交的複雜性和「一帶一路」建設中的競爭壓力,需要通過樹立親疏遠近的外交意識,打造援助-投資範例和適度擴大軍事援助來進行積極應對。


Guided by the concept of "active peace," the Abe administration revamped Japan's ODA policy and adjusted Tokyo's policy approach from economic development to strategic support. Such undertaking consummated into three results: in terms of the objective of assistance, Japan will invest more emphasis on the support for its foreign policy and security alliance with the US; in terms of the scope of assistance, Japan will overcome limits and be able to provide military support to other states in the future; and in terms of the target of assistance, Japan will no longer be confined to developing states; more emphasis will be placed on strategically important states. The Abe administration's main strategic concern for its adjustment lies in its desire to realize Japan's priority of becoming a "normal" state through ODA, and its goal of balancing China through the coupling of ODA and Washington's rebalance towards Asia strategy. For China, Japan's strategic shift will not only complicate its foreign policy with neighboring countries but will also increase competing pressures on the establishment of the One Belt One Road. In such case, China must develop a foreign policy sense of "selective intimacy" and actively respond to Japan's challenge through the expansion of military assistance and ODA investment models.


