  • 期刊


Effects of Constructs in Value System and Demographic Variables on Loyal Behaviors of Low Involvement




Our study proposes a complete value system model which integrate consumers' cognitive hierarchies model and value-attitude system to investigate separately the effects of the constructs in the system and the demographic variables on the loyal behaviors of brands with different market shares. The subjects of this research are consumers of traditional underwear in Mainland China. We explore the influences of the aforementioned constructs on national brand and leading brand loyal behaviors individually. The results show significant differences between loyalty behaviors of customers for national brand and leading brands. Product attributes belief evaluation and attitude, as well as demographic variables are considered to be important factors that influence national brand loyalty behavior. Except for demographic variables, all relevant constructs show significant influence on leading brand loyalty behavior. The results imply that low involvement product marketers with different market shares need to develop different marketing strategies for retaining customers.


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