  • 期刊


Green Energy Daylight Intelligent Design of the Residential Operations-Architectural Design for the Target in Northern Taiwan



十八世紀中葉的工業革命,人類不斷對於自然環境予取予求,導致環境受到傷害,從1992年的地球高峰會議開始,維護環境議題陸續受到重視;建築外牆是居室內外環境間之介面,適量的自然光提供室內空間照度,可減低對環境之衝擊,然而,外光直接引用進入室內多有光度過盛問題,因此立歷年來相關研究多以遮陽為基礎,如何依據居室作業需求引入自然光,在現在及未來的建集物將是環境能源節約重要之課題。 本研究以住宅居室空間自然光引入室內為目標,藉由不同季節、時間、方位、太陽高度角、太陽方位角等,交叉分析相互關係,建構各類居室空間的作業時間於自然光變因下之室內光照狀態,並依台北市為研究目標,綜合相關的變因分析建立建築體外之導光板角度,並輔以智慧化技術建置。經研究顯示,太陽依據季節變化移動影響高度角,其對居室空間作業是否具可行之利用影響甚鉅,而作業之三種類型差異影響光度需求,相對影響導光板角度之設計(如東北向僅適合上午利用);設置導光板可有效引入自然光,配合季節與日時間日照角變化,卻可因作業目標,影響季節、座向導光目標達成率之差異(東向清晨無法為精密作業利用),但籍由程式引入智慧化自動判別,以空間作業模式需求之導光板角度自動變化設定,將可提供建築及室內設計業界於建築設計階段中,即可充份預測並掌握實際導光裝置將自然光導入居室空間引用,進而減低人工照明之依賴。


After the industrial revolution in middle period of the 18th century, the mankind was taking and giving asking to the natural environment constantly, lead to the fact the environment is injured, since earth summit meeting in 1992, the topic of safeguarding the environment has been paid attention to successively. The outer wall of the building offers a interface among internal and external environments to the building, fully utilize sunlight to waste the reducible artificial energy of room lighting. However, only enter room and have reflecting light questions outside. So, relevant research regard sunshading as more foundations in recent years. How to use the demand to introduce the natural light with the space, now and the future building will be that the environmental energy save the important subject. In this study, residential natural light into interior room space for the goal, through different seasons, time. Azimuth, solar elevation angle, solar azimuth cross-analysis, construction of various types of operating room space, time variables in natural light, indoor light under the state of and according to Taipei for the research objectives, comprehensive analysis of variables related to the establishment of the light guide outside the building point of view, and to build intelligent technology. Research shows that position of the sun altitude angle is the impact of living room space an important factor in lighting, photometric effects operating target Chaiyi demand, the relative impact of the angle guide plate design: set to introduce natural light guide plate can effectively cope with seasonal changes with the angle of sunlight on time, but may, operational objectives, impact of the season, Block Wizard light Mubiaodacheng Lvzhi different Li Yong of the program Yinruzhihui automatically distinguished, in the light guide space operations Moshixuqiu Jiaoduo change automatically set, will provide architectural and interior design Yejie the architectural design stage, can filly anticipate and keep abreast of optical devices in natural light into the effect of indoor space.
