  • 期刊


Survey of Doping Control in Taiwan's Badminton Athletes


The aim of this study was to understand differences of doping control recognition in Taiwan badminton athletes. A questionnaire was designed to recognize the doping control (basic concept, testing, sanction & over-the-counter drug) by researchers. Subjects were selected through stratified sampling from the National College Student Game in both 2000 and 2004 and National Badminton Championship in 2004. One hundred and ninety nine questionnaires were completed and 19 were excluded due to incomplete data. They were divided into three groups (elite, high-level & non-high-level). Descriptive statistics and chi-square test were applied in this study. Results showed that: a) most athletes (about 70%) knew the basic concepts. However, only about 40% athletes knew completely procedures of testing and sanction content; b) high-level athlete's recognition of basic concepts (χ^2(subscript 1,776)=5.060, p<.05) and testing (χ^2(subscript 1,675)=13.024, p<.05) in 2004 was higher than that in 2000. And non-high-level athlete's testing recognition was the same (χ^2(subscript 1,389)=6.280, p<.05); c) various levels were significant difference on recognition of doping control (p<.05), whereas, elite had greater recognition. It was concluded that badminton athletes did not recognized deeply in doping control in Taiwan. We suggest that sport institutions should provide more educational courses of doping for athletes.


羽球 運動禁藥管制 檢測 處罰 市售藥品


The aim of this study was to understand differences of doping control recognition in Taiwan badminton athletes. A questionnaire was designed to recognize the doping control (basic concept, testing, sanction & over-the-counter drug) by researchers. Subjects were selected through stratified sampling from the National College Student Game in both 2000 and 2004 and National Badminton Championship in 2004. One hundred and ninety nine questionnaires were completed and 19 were excluded due to incomplete data. They were divided into three groups (elite, high-level & non-high-level). Descriptive statistics and chi-square test were applied in this study. Results showed that: a) most athletes (about 70%) knew the basic concepts. However, only about 40% athletes knew completely procedures of testing and sanction content; b) high-level athlete's recognition of basic concepts (χ^2(subscript 1,776)=5.060, p<.05) and testing (χ^2(subscript 1,675)=13.024, p<.05) in 2004 was higher than that in 2000. And non-high-level athlete's testing recognition was the same (χ^2(subscript 1,389)=6.280, p<.05); c) various levels were significant difference on recognition of doping control (p<.05), whereas, elite had greater recognition. It was concluded that badminton athletes did not recognized deeply in doping control in Taiwan. We suggest that sport institutions should provide more educational courses of doping for athletes.


