  • 期刊


Effectiveness of the Smoking Cessation Clinic on Elderly Subjects-The Experience of a Medical Center in Taiwan


目標:本研究目的在探討某台灣某醫學中心門診戒菸服務對於老年人之治療成效。 研究方法:本研究收集自2002年9月起至2005年5月某醫學中心門診戒菸個案中65歲及以上之老年人進行分析。個案需爲全民健康保險對象,尼古丁成癮度測試分數5分及以上或一天吸菸十支及以上者爲必要收案條件。個案皆接受門診戒菸衛教、簡短諮詢以及尼古丁貼片治療,建議之標準治療期爲8週爲原則,並要求個案須每隔一至二週回診,但個案可自行決定回診與否。以個案之第一次門診戒菸爲基準日,在第三個月及第六個月以電話訪問評估其戒菸情況,並以七日點戒菸率爲主要結果指標。電訪時若七天內有任何吸菸行爲或無法聯絡之個案則歸爲戒菸失敗。 結果:共收案139人,排除基本資料填寫不全12人,共127人(91.4%)進行資料分析。樣本平均年齡73.6±4.6歲,三個月之七日點戒菸率爲44.9%,六個月爲36.2%。依單變項分析,影響三個月戒菸率之因素爲就診次數與貼片使用週數;影響六個月戒菸率之因素爲每日吸菸支數、尼古丁成癮分數、是否戒過菸、門診戒菸看診次數;多變數項分析方面,影響三個月戒菸率之因素爲就診次數;影響六個月戒菸率之因素爲就診次數與尼古丁成癮分數。年齡、菸齡、教育程度則與戒菸率無顯著影響。 結論:戒菸老人之回診次數與尼古丁成癮分數是影響老人成功戒菸的因素。臨床上應該努力提高門診戒菸老年人之回診次數,尤其應加強尼古丁成癮分數高者的回診次數。


Objective: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the smoking cessation clinic on elderly subjects at a medical center in Taiwan. Methods: Recruited from September 2002 to May 2005, the subjects were 65 years and older, legally covered by the Public Health Insurance Program, and reported either reaching or exceeding 5 of Fagerström Tolerance Questionnaire (FTQ) score or the daily consumption of 10 or more cigarettes. Every subject received facilitated tobacco cessation education, brief individual counseling and nicotine patch therapy; the standard treatment course was 8 weeks. Subjects were encouraged but not required to visit the follow-up clinic every 1 or 2 weeks. For evaluating the success rate of smoking cessation, we contacted individual subjects by phone call at the end of the 3(superscript rd) and the 6(superscript th) months after the first personal consultation. A seven-day point abstinence was evaluated. Any smoking behavior in the last seven days or loss to follow-up was defined as failure. Results: Of the 139 subjects recruited, 12 were excluded for incomplete demographic data, leaving a total of 127 subjects (average age 73.6 ±4.6) available for analysis. Our results showed that the seven-day point abstinence rates were respectively 44.9% in the 3(superscript rd) month and 36.2% in the 6(superscript th) month. Under single variance analysis, factors correlated with the abstinence rate included the total number of visits, length of nicotine patch treatment in the 3(superscript rd) month, the number of cigarettes smoked per day, FTQ score, previous experience of tobacco cessation, and total number of visits in the 6(superscript th) month. Multiple variances analysis revealed that factors correlated with the abstinence rate were total number of visits in the 3(superscript rd) month, and total number of visits and FTQ score in the 6(superscript th) month. There were no significant difference in terms of abstinence rate among various strata of age, duration of smoking, and educational level. Conclusion: The study identified two factors of successful quitting that should help improve the provision of current smoking cessation services in clinic for the elderly. Clinic-based smoking cessation programs should encourage elderly smokers, especially those with higher FTQ scores, to visit their smoking cessation clinics more frequently.


