  • 期刊


The Comparative Study of Cross National Customer Value to Product




With increasing competition in the global marketplace, value creation activities for many enterprises are becoming important. As business relationships with Asia increase, multinational enterprises are realizing that success depends on knowledge of cultural differences. So, a prime and basic question for many enterprises is how to construct a global strategy for existing product mixes through standardization or localization, so as to achieve success in regional or local markets. The purpose of this paper is to investigate customer value of products, to view what attributes are important to consumers, and finally to make comparisons via a cross-national study. In this survey, a scale is constructed, which has four dimensions and seventeen criterions to measure customer perceived value (CPV) for products. An indirect method is applied in order to obtain criteria in three areas, Taiwan, Mainland China, and Hong Kong, which have the same cultural environments, to evaluate the product attributes and finally to make comparisons. The results yielded a wide array of both cross-national differences and similarities.


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