  • 期刊


Analysis of Reaction Time and Movement Time during Karate's Reverse Punch


目的:本研究以國家隊選手14名,甲組選手14名,針對空手道逆擊動作右側與左側之反應時間與動作時間進行比較與探討。方法:本研究使用自製發光二極體光電訊號產生器、打擊靶、加速規、訊號擷取系統MP150、紅外線攝影機以及測力板來擷取訊號,以Matlab自行撰寫之程式進行分析,以SPSS 12.0版進行數值統計。結果:兩組選手之比較中,國家隊選手反應時間略快於甲組選手,但並無顯著差異(右側137.28 ms±22.68 ms vs 149.44 ms±24.77 ms, p=0.187)(左側136.34 ms±23.93 ms vs 145.82 ms±24.47 ms, p=0.31),而在右側動作時間(287.56 ms±35.63 ms vs 326.02 ms±29.45 ms, p=0.004)及左側動作時間(296.72 ms±31.67 ms vs 335.39 ms±34.38 ms, p=0.005)則達顯著差異,為國家隊選手優於甲組選手。結論:以上數據可以發現,國家隊選手優於甲組選手,主因在於動作時間上的差異而非反應時間,所以甲組選手欲提升競爭力,需從動作時間方面來著手進行提昇。


空手道 逆擊 反應時間 動作時間


Purpose: The aim of the study was to compare the reaction time and movement time between right and left side of Karate's reverse punch. 14 national team players and 14 Group A players participated in this study. Methods: The reaction time and movement time were detected with the hand-made LED signal generator, punch target, accelerometer and BiopacMP150 system. Kinetics data were collected with VICON 3D motion analysis system and AMTI force plate. The data were processed using self-programming program in Matlab, and analyzed with SPSS 12.0 version. Results: The national team players were faster than Group A players in reaction time, but no significant difference (right side 137.28 ms±22.68 ms vs. 149.44 ms±24.77 ms, p=0.187) (left side 136.34 ms±23.93 ms vs. 145.82 ms±24.47 ms, p=0.31). However, the movement time of national team players were better than Group A players in bilateral side (right side: 287.56 ms±35.63 ms vs. 326.02 ms±29.45 ms, p=0.004; left side: 296.72 ms±31.67 ms vs. 335.39 ms±34.38 ms, p=0.005). Conclusions: It can be found that national team members is better than Group A players due to the difference in movement time rather than reaction time, so the Group A players want to improve the competitiveness, they need to improve their movement time.


Karate reverse punch reaction time movement time


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