  • 期刊


The Correlation between Continuing Education and Nurses' Job Performance


This is a descriptive study to evaluate the effect of continuing education on job performance and its predictive factors on efficacy. This study used the Job Performance Questionnaire, with a Cronbach's α of .97. Nurses were recruited who undergo continuing education in a metropolitan hospital in Taiwan. The results in job performance, ranking from high to low were (1) service, (2) patient care, and (3) professional capability. Factors significantly influencing job performance were (1) marital status, (2) number of children, (3) tenure years, and (4) family support for continuing education (p<.05), with the prediction factors interpreted at 14.7% of variation. Recommendations are to direct future continuing education programs toward improvement of professional capabilities to improve clinical care delivery.


This is a descriptive study to evaluate the effect of continuing education on job performance and its predictive factors on efficacy. This study used the Job Performance Questionnaire, with a Cronbach's α of .97. Nurses were recruited who undergo continuing education in a metropolitan hospital in Taiwan. The results in job performance, ranking from high to low were (1) service, (2) patient care, and (3) professional capability. Factors significantly influencing job performance were (1) marital status, (2) number of children, (3) tenure years, and (4) family support for continuing education (p<.05), with the prediction factors interpreted at 14.7% of variation. Recommendations are to direct future continuing education programs toward improvement of professional capabilities to improve clinical care delivery.


job performance in-service education nurses
