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Transforming the philosophical thinking of "None" into the theory of Taijiquan




有無 太極拳 陰陽 虛實


Since ancient times, China has paid great attention to the relative words of Yin and Yang, emptiness and reality, and existence and absence. Yin and Yang are opposite, Emptiness and Reality complement each other, and Existence and Absence are mutually produced. Such thoughts are clearly reflected in The book of changes (Zhouyi) and Laozi. This paper first discusses the application of "None" in philosophy of life, aesthetics of literature and situation of daily life since ancient times. In this paper, examples have been given for the above several different projects. Besides, in terms of philosophy of life, Zhuangzi in the Warring States period puts forward the philosophy of "A correct understanding of the real situation of the opposition between things is the key to master the road. Therefore, we can adapt to the endless changes of things" "follow the path of emptiness as the regular rule" and "empty oneself to travel the world". Health experts devote themselves to cultivating the precious land where the human body is empty, which is called the "Dantian". Furthermore, from practicing Qi to "advocating will", health experts have expanded to the cultivation of eight extra meridians. The above philosophy or essentials are digested, integrated, absorbed and applied by several schools of Taijiquan in later generations. The practice of Taijiquan begins with the principle of loose body, and then emphasizes relaxation by each part. From the single form practice, the whole set of martial art moves, to pushing hands, as well as the method of defusing the enemy's attack. In the advanced stage, the emphasis is placed on "advocating spiritual will" instead of the use of physical brute force. At the same time, people who practice Taijiquan also pay attention to self-cultivation and do not compete with others. From this we can see that Taijiquan cannot be separated from the concepts of "Loose", "None", "Empty" and "Absence" from the beginning to the end. Because it pays attention to "None" and "No Competition", thus there is the possibility that "no one in the world can compete with him" according to Laozi.


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