  • 期刊


A Study of Tourists' Motivation, Satisfaction and Loyalty for Cheng Ching Lake




旅遊動機 滿意度 忠誠度


The policy of two days off per week plays an important role for increasing people's willingness of traveling in Taiwan. According to a survey of travel, tourism in Taiwan reported by Taiwan Tourism Bureau, indicating that the Kaohsiung city is recognized as a noteworthy tourism attraction in southern Taiwan for tourists. The Cheng Ching Lake is commonly known as a famous public park for various recreation activities. With the alteration in consumption habits of tourists has increased the number of the recreation and tourism industries in Taiwan. However, tourism related providers did not improve the quality of their service in achieving customers' expectation. This may decrease the willingness of tourists to visit these tourism attractions. The present study aims to investigate tourists's motivations, satisfaction and destination loyalty associated with their experience of visiting the Cheng Ching Lake. Descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, t test, ANOVA and regression analysis have been employed for data analysis in this study. The finding of the study has suggested that the physical and psychological related motivations are the most influential dimensions in affecting tourists' behaviors. The finding also has shown that the park trails and landscape lines in the park were ranked by respondents as the highest factor of importance in relating to their satisfaction. Most tourists indicated that they are likely to say the positive words about the the Cheng Ching Lake and to revisit the lake for their future holiday.


Tourism Motivation Satisfaction Loyalty
