  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of Case Management on Self-Care andQuality of Life in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients




Purpose: This study analyzed the effects of case management on improving self-care knowledge, attitudes, behavioral intent and quality of life in chronic kidney disease patients. Methods: Researchers used a quasi-experimental design with two groups for the pre-test/post-test comparison. Convenience sampling was used to select participants from one nephrology outpatient at a regional medical teaching hospital in central Taiwan. Thirty-five participants were assigned to the control group, which received routine health care, and 38 were assigned to the experimental group, which received routine health care plus case management provided for 50 minutes every 4 week period for a total of three sessions. Each session included training on individual self-care nursing and nutrition health education. One session included a group ”hands-on” activity. Differences in pre-test/post-test scores were used to measure level of improvement in self-care and quality of life indicators. Structural questionnaires addressed self-care knowledge, attitudes, behavioral intentions and quality of life. Results: Experimental group participants earned significantly improved mean self-care knowledge, attitude, behavioral intent and quality of life scores, including the domains of global QOL, global health status, physical health domain, and psychological in comparison with their control group peers. There was no significant difference between the two in terms of either social relationship or environment domains. Conclusion: Providing adequate disease-specific knowledge is essential to enhancing patient self care. Strengthening integration of case management in nursing and nutrition education may improve self-care knowledge, attitudes, behavioral intent and quality of life in chronic kidney disease patients. Study findings may help guide evidence-based practice in the future.


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台灣腎臟醫學會(2011 , 2 月 18 日)‧ 100 年度腎臟病健康促進機構作業說明及附件‧線上檢索日期:2011 年11 月 26 日,網址:http://www.tsn.org.tw/UI/K/K008.aspx [Taiwan Society of Nephrology. (2011). 2011 kidney disease health promotion agencies operating instructions and accessories. Retrieved November 26, 2011, from http://www.tsn.org.tw/UI/K/K008.aspx]
陳靜敏校閱(2007)。社區衛生護理學。台北巿=Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC:華杏=Farseeing。


