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The Legitimacy of Contemporary China: Analysis of the legitimacy of the CCP from The Founding of a Republic




Since 1949, the Chinese government has emphasized communism as the dominant ideology of Chinese society and has become the main source of political legitimacy for the CCP to rule China. However, in the Chinese society that experienced the "Post-Mao Zedong era" and the "Post- Tianmen era", the communist consciousness is already unattractive to most people in China. In order to maintain its ruling status, the CCP must use other ideologies to refactoring the political legitimacy. From the text analysis of the main melody film "The Founding of Republic", we can understand how the CCP embeds the "Destiny" in the traditional Chinese political culture, the ideology of the Confucian benevolent rule of virtue, and other ideologies in this film describing the ancestors' acquisition of the Chinese political power. And the anti-American nationalist consciousness, thereby reshaping the political legitimacy of the CCP.


CCP political legitimacy main melody film destiny nationalism